Did I Effectively Raise My Ph?

Agent 47

Well-Known Member
My soil runoff was ~5.5, when tested with 7.0 water. I then flushed the soil with water that had a pH of 8.0, and measured the runoff at 6.8 pH.

My question is, have I effectively raised my pH, or have I messed it up by watering with pH so high? I have a big bag of lime, and didn't realize (until a few minutes ago) I could use that to raise my pH. In a day or two should I water again with 6.5-7.0 water, or just check the runoff and if it's in range, do nothing?



Well-Known Member
If you have the lime, why not use it?

The water is only a temporary thing at best, and not a good idea to do such a drastic pH shift.


Agent 47

Well-Known Member
Will do. Would it be best to remove a top portion of the soil, add (x) amount of lime, replace top portion of the soil, and water with 6.5-7.0 pH water.

Thanks for the reply wetdog, I appreciate it. The reason I haven't used the lime is because I realized I could use it after I flushed with the high pH water. The last thing i wanted to do was compound the problem by adding something else.


Well-Known Member
Some may differ, but I've always been told as long as the soil is good to begin with, the runoff doesn't matter...it's the PH of what you put in


Well-Known Member
If the soil pH is good to begin with, the pH of what you put in shouldn't matter.

I add everything form ~4, to over 8. No worries.



Well-Known Member
Quick question on the same subject. If you messed up your pH by adding too many nutes, then will flushing bring the pH back to its original levels? or will this just flush out the nutes? On one of my plants the pH out is 5.2 and the other it is 6.7 ( I ran out of water and had to mix up a new batch for feeding and well lets just say math and drinking don't mix very well). Everything else is the same, but one plant is doing better than the other. I flushed with pH 8, because thats all I had. So did flushing clean out the soil, or effect the pH? or both?

Agent 47

Well-Known Member
Thanks for your replies guys. I'm going to add a small amount of lime to the soil and just focus on keeping my water's pH right.