

Active Member
I'll add a pictures ASAP.

Thanks to a fucking faulty water meter though I think I figured it out.

Last night during the light cycle I noticed the plants starting to droop a little. A couple are worse than some of the others.

So I bought a moisture meter (cheap, like 5 bones at walmart) I just watered because it rated it a 1 in all pots. Next to dry. The top was dry.

So I water until the first bit of water came out one of the 4" pot holes. Stuck the fucking meter in again and it shows close to dry.

So I go fill up my sink, stick the pigfuckerassshitturdnugget in there and if tells me it is only half the fucking way to wet! FUCK!!!!

Anyway, I got a thermometer too and turned the fan more to the light, I think the temp with lights on is between 80 and 85 so far? Not bad right?

I've been watering once a day now when the soil and about finger deep feels dry or close to it. It's around 75 with it off I think. So heat may be getting close to an issue. Again, pics in a bit.


Active Member
I'm guessing it could be a light issue. I only have a 150 watt hps for the 2x2 area. I'm working on getting it close as possible and keeping the temp under 85. They were doing great until yesterday. Sucks? Is this a lot of stretchign, there in 4 inch pots?

I was thinking about mounting two cfls and bringing them down close too. to add to the lumens and bring in more blue spectrum?