Detox Question


ok im not sure what section to post this in but i just need a little help. Im about 5'4 135lbs, i go to the gym about everyday (studying to be a personal trainer) and my question is how long do you think it would take to get THC out of my system? im a reg smoker and i drink about a gallon of water everyday as well. i know im not goin to get an exact answer here but some insite would be very helpfull.



Active Member
Takes at least 30 days! I'm not sure if it would be less for you since you drink so much water but I wouldn't really risk it and at least detox for 30-60 days just to be safe! If you can't wait that long there are detoxes you can buy at smoke shops and take cranberry with it and that should help!Oh and you can't eat a really fatty diet b/c thc sticks to fat! bongsmilie