Desperately need help to clone this pheno


Well-Known Member
I have an outdoor plant that is finished and I want a clone off of it . I’ve never re veg’d a clone this far into flower . Here is a picture of the phenotype .

Do i treat it like any other clone , or any special nutrients or advice ? Really don’t wanna lose this pheno , as it’s absolutely gorgeous .


Well-Known Member
Its harder the further in flower but ya just normal clone it will reveg takes a while. Maybe chop down to a base and try revegging the plant itself as a second measure. Ive done it but only a couple wks into flower. Careful for mold in buds as the enviorment for cloning is good for mold too.


Well-Known Member
Its harder the further in flower but ya just normal clone it will reveg takes a while. Maybe chop down to a base and try revegging the plant itself as a second measure. Ive done it but only a couple wks into flower. Careful for mold in buds as the enviorment for cloning is good for mold too.
Im gonna cut 3-4 lower branches and attempt to clone them . Hit them heavy with the humidifier while keeping air moving in my tent and spray with ipm .
I just don’t want to lose this , as it’s some of the nicest phenos I’ve seen out of 80 mothers . It expressed different in clone for sure


Well-Known Member
Pick a branch with small fluffy buds. I've had better luck using a cloning machine, and no humidity dome, as the high humidity promotes mold in the buds and well once it's moldy it will prob die.
I've also just stuck them in some dirt and let them root on their own in there and that's worked well. Take multiple cuts, success rates can vary. It can take a long time for it to start re vegging after it's grown roots. Once you get growth popping out you can clip that and clone it, and it'll be normal again. Make sure you treat them with a dunk and then dry them off so you aren't bringing any nasties inside.