Desktop dry herb vaporizer, best value?


Well-Known Member
Long story short, I smoke spliffs with tobacco but I have to stop smoking for some upcoming dental work, and for stopping tobacco for various other health benefits!!!

I could just use a bong with neat weed, but it's still kinda smoking so I though a good quality vaporizer would be the best compromise.

I plan to buy a normal nicotine vape too when out and about to cut down and quit nicotine all together...

I tried out dabbing with a cheap set up and a torch lighter but honestly it's too much messing about for me, especially the extraction process.

Theres the 'classic' 'volcano' vape but it's seriously expensive:

Anyone have experience with this sort of thing:

Any other thoughts?

Long story short, I smoke spliffs with tobacco but I have to stop smoking for some upcoming dental work, and for stopping tobacco for various other health benefits!!!

I could just use a bong with neat weed, but it's still kinda smoking so I though a good quality vaporizer would be the best compromise.

I plan to buy a normal nicotine vape too when out and about to cut down and quit nicotine all together...

I tried out dabbing with a cheap set up and a torch lighter but honestly it's too much messing about for me, especially the extraction process.

Theres the 'classic' 'volcano' vape but it's seriously expensive:

Anyone have experience with this sort of thing:

Any other thoughts?

I have the dynavap M. Still requires a torch lighter but nothing special otherwise. Basically a dryvap onehitter
Been using a ditanium (plus bong for max smoothness) for years. Pretty as a desk piece, nice flavor, wide range of temperatures, and relatively inexpensive to replace parts that might break unless you manage to destroy the main heating unit somehow.
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I’ve got a Plenty from S&B - same company and same heating element as the Volcano. Not a bad session device, and it holds a ton of weed for a vape (like almost 2 grams) but has an adapter for smaller/normal bowl packs. It’s a plug in style vape, no torch required, but you can also attach a whip to it, and run it through a bong. You just have to get some extra accessories for it. it also has a ”concentrate pad” for adding dabs. I like to load if up with a wed and kief sandwich for longer movie nights with the wifey.

Dynavap is nice but small, but i like to use it for smoking bubble hash and kief and run it through a bong.
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I just got the mini one a while back to try it out, the “B” series, and only really use it for my bubble hash. I don’t dab or get any nice concentrates. I’ll check it out though.
The Volcano is the best, the Airizer/ExtremeQ is the best value, it's crazy that this has been true for the last 20 years. I had an Airizer before, no complaints especially for the money. It isn't as robust feeling as the volcano but does the job.
I could afford the volcano hybrid, (i think thats the latest/greatest version? but at more or less double the price of the Airizer :o I'm a bit unsure...

But for the long term though, a better quality/easier to clean unit might be worth it?
Is the reason the volcano and other desktop vapes are so expensive that they have motors to keep you from having to manually inhale, and instead they use motors to do it for you?
Is the reason the volcano and other desktop vapes are so expensive that they have motors to keep you from having to manually inhale, and instead they use motors to do it for you?

Im still trying to figure out the pros and cons myself-

But yes it seems fan assisted to fill a bag or whatever?
the volcano hybrid seems to have some main key features - dual heating -convection and conduction for faster/more consistent results?

Quality of life - ease of use/cleaning, availability of acessories etc?

Better quality components?

I'm just trying to weigh up if it's worth the really expensive volcano over say one of the Airizers, which are still expensive!
I have one between those two prices. It is basically indestructible, but has 1 part that can break (glass) and silicone tubing which needs boiled or replaced every now and then. I do not expect the main body to break unless I drop it too many times. But no bag function on it. I just vape through my bong and it feels basically like smoking. But minus the pain and coughing!
Haven't combusted for ten years. I vape.

I've had my Vapor Bros. VB1 for 9 years and it's still going strong. Sent it in for an upgrade to the heater three years ago and it's even better now.
Their customer service is top notch and Linus is a stand up guy.

Sing up for emails and get 10% off.

My newest vape is the Arizer Solo III. It's listed as a portable, but it's not very portable due its size.
The Arizer Solo line from is strong. These things extract terpenes like no other vape I've used. If you're a flavor chaser (I am), the Solo III is the way to go.
It's big. Too big to be discrete or stealthy. It's more like a portable desktop for around the house/garage/yard.
The way these things extract terpenes and still provide big clouds is impressive.

Arizer's customer service is solid.

The Ditanium is a solid unit. You can do dry herb or concentrates. I have used one and thought it was good for dry herb.

Love my Vapor Bros. VB1 though.
You could get a new vape flowerpot for the same price as a volcano, I have several desktop vapes and it's the best by some way.
They tell you to stop smoking weed before dental surgery because if they put you out, you can wake up because of the weed in your system. Afterwards it's not the smoke that does anything it's the act of drawing in the smoke from a joint or bong etc which creates suction and can pop out your blood clots causing dry socket which is incredibly painful. Best to stick with Drs orders.
If I can not smoke weed for a few me you can too.
After my surgery I just inhaled volcano vape through my nose. Lol. Not pretty not fun but it worked and I didn't get dry socket.
Sorry I wasnt very clear.. its not dry socket or weed I'm worried about... Its for dental implants...I've not told my dentist i smoke weed, just cigarettes.

I have to cut out tobacco as one of it's many 'features' is bad blood flow, over time causes gums and jawbone to 'degrade' for want of a better term , and causes premature failiure of the implants, and according to my dentist, it takes longer for the implants to heal/ 'bed' in properly, and more chance of failiure of the implant just not 'setting properly' from the outset.

Heres and edited version of my last update from my dentist...

I am writing to explain where we are at the current stage in your treatment, and reiterate the options at this point, having just taken a 3D scan of your top and bottom jaws. Unfortunately, you are still smoking, which would make you unsuitable for implant treatment at this time, until you have stopped for a few months

At this time, to clear the mouth of decay and infected teeth, I feel we should remove the remaining upper teeth and provide an upper complete temporary denture. This will allow the bone to heal and we can reassess with regards to the above implant plans at a later date once you quit smoking.

Just to reiterate, aftercare is the most important thing to ensure the longevity of your dental implants and try and avoid complications related to gum disease that can also occur around implants, in a similar way to the disease process around natural teeth that has caused your teeth to deteriorate. To try and prevent gum disease around implants, we would need you to:
1. Avoid smoking or vaping
2. Clean twice daily with an electric toothbrush
3. Clean beneath the implant crowns or bridges and around each implant twice daily with interdental brushes
4. Attend our dental hygienists every 3-6 months for a professional clean and flushing out of the implant gum lines
5. See myself every 6 months for general check ups and specific implant review.

I don't know how dramatic they are being, but I know to quit tobacco, I'll need a weed vape to replace joints at home, and a seperate 'pocket' nicotine vape to cut down and quit cigerettes.... which will be better than smoking, so thats my first step really.

I plan to quit nicotine by reducing via a regular nicotine vape - which I had some success with a few years ago but relapsed... so then that will eventually lead to me only vaping weed at home, say maybe once a day, if that, so the overall volume of vape will be really minimal compared to how i am now - smoking cigs all day and maybe a tobacco joint in the evening.

Hope that makes sense, any thoughts?
Just get a volcano classic. It's cheaper than the other models, fills balloons just as well, and I appreciate the simplicity of a single knob. I don't need it to have a smart phone app. That's all whiz bang and just more stuff that could eventually break. Pretty sure my classic will never break. It is a tank.
Well, I've been on the rum punch today and just impulse ordered the volcano hybrid...

I don't really care for the smart/app functionality, but hey, it's a little xmas gift to myself, hahaha.

I like the option of having either tube or bags and it seems it's got a few little quality of life upgrades over the standard one that I think I'll appreciate..

Cost me the equvelent of about $580 USD :|

I ordered some accesories too, - a dose capsule adaptor and a dosing magazine as without them, the main weed chamber looks a little big! with these i can load up a bunch of smaller hits to save me going back to my jar for a re-up :-D

I hope its good... pretty much all the reviews say it's top notch apart from the price....
It's a good buy even for the price. You'll love it, and it should last a lifetime and is the absolute hands down best desktop vaporizer on the market and has been since the 90's for good reason. It is the only vaping experience I feel matches the effect you get from smoking. Only downside is, you'll go through more weed. Don't forget, you can save your ABV (Already Been Vaped) leftovers and they are already decarbed for use in edibles. You can straight up just eat it and get high. Doesn't taste that bad honestly. Like roasted veggie leaf
S&B vapes are overpriced junk and the portables are disposable which makes them a terrible value and environmentally questionable. If you want a bag or whip desktop vape the Arizers are a way better deal.

For portable and light desktop use the TinyMight 2 is vastly superior to Crafty/Mighty/Venty: made from machined aluminum, zirconia ceramic, wood, and glass, heats up in 5 seconds, swappable batteries that are replaced for $5, can pull bong rips, etc...

For heavy home use the state of the art is a corundum filled "ball vape" like the FlowerPot mentioned above. These finally provide a vape experience that matches/exceeds a combustion bong hit. They consist of a heater head and usually a matching bowl that fit into standard ground glass joint bongs/rigs. The best one is the Phase3 ZX which is made from zirconia ceramic and has a matching ceramic bowl with a subtly designed shape. Just crushes bowl after bowl of herb in one hit and with the purest flavor because the trichs are entirely convection heated from the outside. Titanium ball vapes and even the Volcano and Plenty have a large amount of heat heat conducted through the metal bowls into the herb.