Depressed and in denial over gender


Okay so I know this is a male plant, but Im also in denial and need other people to confirm my belief, so is this a male plant? Again, I know t is from looking at 100s of pictures online but I'm so depressed over it and in denial that I need other people to tell me it's a male. So gang, is it a male plant? Also my friends all tell me you can still get a few grams worth of bud from it, is this true? Also I was just going to make hash and/or cannibutter using every last bit of this bastard male plant, is that something I can do? Ive read online that its the best way to utilize a male plant aside from using it to cultivate seeds from females. So again, can I use this male to make hash and/or cannibutter? And lastly, if I do use it to make hash and/or cannibutter, is there any part of this plant I shouldnt use in that process? I was just going to grind up the entire plant, stems, leaves, flower buds and all, but Im wondering if theres any part of the plant I shouldnt use for whatever reason. Can I use every last bit of it to make hash and/or cannibutter? Thanks in advance for your help gang.


Oh one more thing, i have 1 other plant in my room with this one, I'm praying its a female but its way too early to tell. Should I get this male out of that room immediately? I'm probably going to rip the male out and make hash anyway, but on the off chance that you guys tell me I can get some bud from the male, I might let him live a little longer.

Filthy Phil

Well-Known Member
Yup, your plants got a bunch of.scrotums hangin from it...its a boy. No, not much to be done I do.t think, could be wrong....


Yeah well no part of me was ever going to smoke leaves. But I'm like 99% sure I can still make hash or butter from it, so I suppose thats what I'm going to do tomorrow. Thanks again, like I said I knew it was a male, I just didnt want to know that.


Well-Known Member
dont waste your time
remove from general population so as not to knock up others

sorry gluck wit others
sumtime we win sumtimes we lose
dont stop to cry over it
move forward
male only good for one thing collecting pollen


Active Member
wouldent waste any time or effort on a male, its pointless m8, ur better hoping to god the other plant is a girl and if so then all ur love / light / energy can go on her, if she aint a gal and it turns out to be another male, scrap them both and get some seeds and start again, this is not the rout u want to take if u want to be a happy stoner a few moon down the line !! best of look with the other plant m8 ! peace !


RIU Bulldog
When I saw the title of this thread, I was like 'why isn't this in toke n' talk?' lol
Nice one.

PS sorry about your male.


Active Member
Hash or butter? I don't think so, you would just be wasting your time and resources, nothing good ever comes from male plants unless you are working it for breeding purposes, and even then you need to be extremely selective.