Delicious Northern Light Blue, Automazar x 3!


Active Member
im just finishing up my first (and somewhat shaky) first grow....3 mixed strain autoflowers, link in my its time to start planning and prepping for the next one. i have the current plants in autopots so as soon as i chop them i want the next batch ready to go into the autopots (with coco). that will probably be a few weeks from now.

im starting the journal now as im in the process of germinating the northern light blue, as she will not be hooked up to thw autopot system...for her i shall be using biobizz lightmix soils and biobizz nutes, and possibly some canna bio rhizotonic to start her off nicely. would like to be able to grow organically so wanna test that shit out!

i dropped the seed into shot glass on the morning of monday 17th, and after just over 24 hrs checked for progress. the seed had cracked, bit of root sticking through, so moved her into a moist, damp(not soaking) paper towel and put in a half sealed baggy....another 24 hrs later (this mornin) and the root was well and truly out. pre soaked a jiffy coco pellet to root her out in and popped her in in propagator in a normal (not for growing) cupboard, my temps in there are only around 19 C i know its a bit low but im sure she will pull through haha....

the plan for the photo is to lst her horizontally along my balcony wall....if i dont she would end up being visible later on in the this way she will get sun all over comibg soon but hoping to get a decent yield from these 4 plants to last me and the misses through til next grow season!

comments are welcome feel free to give me tips, tell me where i go wrong etc but no jibber jabber nonsense, you come here, in my thread you better be nice lol

1st grow is in my sig. this will be my 2nd....well they kinda all overlap its semi perpetual but thought id start a new thread here as its not an exclusively auto grow

just for the record i mainly post from my phone (apartfrom when uploading pics) so please ignore any spelling mistakes or random full stops. i assure you i understand grammar and generally know how to spell shit lol...

may the force be with you!


Active Member
pics of the germing:

put seed in shot glass with water (NL Blue)

next day (18th) seed had cracked and i put it in damp paper towel in a baggie

19/6/13 tap root had emerged fully. moved into coco pellet and placed in a dark place.

21/6/13 the seedling began to rear its head up.....and by the evening was out of the coco fully

22/6/13, seedling, misting every now and then as im putting in sunlight for a bit most days, its a shame shes not big enough to take advantage of the amount of sun we are getting right now, but dont wanna risk frying her up....its not an egg haha

25/6/13 she stretched out quite a bit so i planted her up. popped the jiffy pellet into a party cup (bottom cut out, placed into 2nd cup with drainage holes, both wrapped in tape to stop light getting to roots). filled the cup with biobizz light mix around the pellet and watered, made sure it drained out and then put back by the window


3 automazar seeds went into water....funny the seeds all looked very different....but anyway.

28/6/13 (today)
automazars took 48 hours to show any sign of cracking while in the now they have, i took them out and proceeded with moist paper towel in baggie, not fully sealed but placed in dark cupboard. i expect tap roots to be out tomorrow so will pop them into jiffy pellets and eventually going into the autopots on the balcony!


once the sun has passed over the balcony i usually put the NL Blue seedling out...temps are around 29C and humidity varies, normally around 40%, so i mist her every now and again so she doesnt dry out. woohoo next grow got it goin on!

cant wait to smoke it alllllll hahhaaha


Active Member
Nice to see you on your 2nd grow,bud.All coming along nicely,but i would be wary of those temps.29c is above 90fht aint it?
Bit hot for cannabis,try to find a cooler place i would think.


Active Member
No cooler place available...other than the fridge..! temps could hit the high 30s (celcius) this week, which ends up a lot higher on my baclony even with just the morning sun, im talking in the 40s easily. 32C is around 90fht 35 is around 95, 38 is 100, 40 is 104, 43 around 110, 46 is 114, and 49 is 120

when i leave the thermometer out in the sun it accumulates heat from the surface it is on as well as the sun, and im pretty sure it shows above the actual temperature....even so the plants are out there in in all morning, i have been lightly spraying with water every now and then just to cool them down but other than a fan outside, also in the heat so im reluctant to do that, what solution is there?

its 28 - 30 C indoors right now, in shade, with windows open...the seedlings will have to deal with it haha....though i guess again im at risk of stunting the growth by way of excessive heat. how does weed grow in the wild with these temps and higher, with no problem? the autos that are outside have shown no heat stress that i can tell of...neither have the seedlings, they are stretchy as hell but i will bury them up when i put them in their next pots.

Automazar babies, taken 1/7/13


what was very strange about these was the seeds all looked different. no im regretting not taking a pic of the germination just before putting them into the coco pellets. just from the roots alone, i could tell there was a difference in these plants...on had a nice healthy looking taproot, the other was looking ok but was a bit shorter, and the 3rd one was a weird bulging short and stubby little root. this 3rd seedling had the hardest time getting out of its shell, and is the smallest one of the 3. not to say there will be any issues with it, but i really thought there might be a bit more consistency and stability using 3 seeds of the same strain....phenos are phenos though, and it may be just as annoying as growing 3 separate strains. im going to do exactly as before and feed all the same regardless.

taken today


the NL Blue is looking healthy, stretchy yes but healthy haha! i could up pot anytime now i think but will wait for temps to normalize and for the plant to get a bit bigger to deal with direct sun and the heat. no visible roots at the bottom of the cup when removed from the outer cup, so theres no super rush. same with the automazar seedlings. this time really want to root them out more in the jiffys (which i cut a fuck load of holes in after what happened to my NL auto) before planting them in the or 2 waterings from above and then res, with a plain water flush from the top every few weeks or so.

now...for a spot of sunbathing......ahhhhhh!


Well-Known Member
Hey far so good eh? I saw some of your other grow and didn't mention it as it was too late but, let me suggest something.
first, I grow in autopots with coco...I've been using them for several years now, so I know some of their strengths and weaknesses.

For me they are a really easy way to water your plants reliably for up to a week or so, but I don't use the valves until they are at least a week into flower. That is when they really start to use a lot of water and it becomes too much work to handwater. I handwater until then.

I would suggest that you use an intermediate size pot before you transplant into the 11 liter autopot. It's very important with coco to have ample runoff when you water. When you use a smaller pot for a bit it allows you to water more frequently which is beneficial to coco. If you use the large pot too soon, it takes too long to use the water and you never develop this watering "rhythm" that the plants like. I use a 6" (15cm?) pot throughout veg, transplanting at or just before onset of flowering. When I transplant into the 11 liter pots, I water heavily for a good runoff and it takes about a week for the plant to use it up. That is when I turn on the valves usually.

When you do turn the valves on you then must begin to think about salt buildup. I find that most strains in my garden will start to show signs of salt buildup after about 4 weeks of valve and rez usage. Then you should handwater once with a gallon or two of low EC feed and check the runoff. If EC is excessively high then repeat until it is within range. I will usually flush twice this way during a plant's life, once at 5 weeks flower and once at harvest...but not a true flush, only a gallon or two in 11 liters.

I use about 30% perlite in my coco with no hydroton. This very fluffy mix works best for the autopot due to the constant watering.

Keep your nutes on the light side to avoid toxicity. When you are using coco and going light on the nutes you should watch for cal mag def. If you get it don't mess with the Epsom, get some calmag and add a ml per litre. I don't use your nutes but I find that when my EC is lower than 1.4, I need calmag usually. When it gets higher my Canna nutes seem to supply enough.

Ok there's a couple things to think about. Good luck


Active Member
taken yesterday after moving the NL Blue to her final home.....i took the soil and coco pellet out of the party cup, and while the soil was retaining moisture the coco was drying out in the middle....not good! put her in the pot and gave a water....need to get some more clay pebbles for the coco i the autopots but have around a week before i move the seedlings in there. not as hot now so i reckon they can take the sun...

taken today, the NL Blue looks like shes settled in nicely, and the AM seedlings are coming on too :) just need regular misting as the coco pellets dry out every few days...i try not to let it get to that but sometimes it does..after dusk i move the seedlings near a large reading lamp we have...not that it will make much difference but as theyre autos i may aswell give em as much light as poss....they still get a dark time as when i go to sleep i switch the light off and move them back to their spot by the window. sprayed the balcony with diluted neem again, after a massive cleanup from the mess i made trying to transplant an NL auto....

i do have a question... the NL Blue takes 50 - 55 days flowering. and is supposed to finish mid september. by my calculations, she would need to start flowering nowish, to fit those dates. in my location, the sunrise/sunset hits 12/12 in a few months....why would the plant flower before that? or are the breeder descriptions given for a certain part of the world? daylight hours differ depending on where you are so im pretty confused, i should have a good few months of veg before she starts flowring...right?



Active Member
taken yesterday after moving the NL Blue to her final home.....i took the soil and coco pellet out of the party cup, and while the soil was retaining moisture the coco was drying out in the middle....not good! put her in the pot and gave a water....need to get some more clay pebbles for the coco i the autopots but have around a week before i move the seedlings in there. not as hot now so i reckon they can take the sun...

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taken today, the NL Blue looks like shes settled in nicely, and the AM seedlings are coming on too :) just need regular misting as the coco pellets dry out every few days...i try not to let it get to that but sometimes it does..after dusk i move the seedlings near a large reading lamp we have...not that it will make much difference but as theyre autos i may aswell give em as much light as poss....they still get a dark time as when i go to sleep i switch the light off and move them back to their spot by the window. sprayed the balcony with diluted neem again, after a massive cleanup from the mess i made trying to transplant an NL auto....
View attachment 2737484View attachment 2737486

i do have a question... the NL Blue takes 50 - 55 days flowering. and is supposed to finish mid september. by my calculations, she would need to start flowering nowish, to fit those dates. in my location, the sunrise/sunset hits 12/12 in a few months....why would the plant flower before that? or are the breeder descriptions given for a certain part of the world? daylight hours differ depending on where you are so im pretty confused, i should have a good few months of veg before she starts flowring...right?
Hey bud,they are all small for their age,i suppose thats with trying to keep them cool,out of the sun.
The NLblue is 28 days now,ive put some pics on of my 1st photo plants,7th heaven on left,and
Afghani kush @25 days.
384.jpg385.jpg380 grow pics.jpg379 grow pics.jpgbit of a difference bud,,i think you could do with a veg room for seedlings if its gonna be that hot.Mine are in 11 litre pots which i have since transplanted into more substantial recepticals.No updates until i can borrow camera again.
I think the sun has worked against you again bud.I hope they arent stunted.
I think you should be ok with timing of NLblue,as it shouldnt flower till the days and nights are equal,or thereabouts.
Good luck with them bud.


Active Member
the automazars r just over 2 weeks but yeah the heat hasnt helped has cooled down a bit and theyre a bit bigger, bout to put em outside ready for some gd direct sunlight sure they will grow pretty big regardless...the automazars tend to go longer than most autos ao hopefully theyll hace plenty of time to grow :-)

NL shud b bigger too but didnt wanna risk burning her out....veg room/tent not an option at this point in time...perhaps in the future gotta convince the wife hahah not sure it will happen, electricty bills here are high here.... still...could happen one day!


Active Member
hey! i have been away hence no updates but here we go. the small size of these plants i believe is yes, due to the large size of the initial pot. everywhere i read especially for autos, final pot is recommended and not many people recommed transplanting autos. i understand what munkee says about watering rhythms and it makes sense to me.....but im lazy and dont want to have to transplant ever hahaha. so initial small growth above soil must be because the roots are filling out..... and the jiffy pellets are just a fucking pain in the plan is to party cup only then into final pot, or into final pot from seed and give em shade when theyre babies. gonna use my leftover jiffys for clones.

so let me get to it...

Pics taken 18/7/13 (Automazars at 17 days from sprout, NL bLue just under a month)
potted up the babies into the autopots
(sorry bout the rotation of that last pic....didnt notice til i had uploaded!)

i proceeded to hand water the autopots a few times, letting it dry a bit in between...and then i went away to see some family so i chucked 5L in the res and gave the NL Blue a good watering. I also built a scrog frame for a net i bought. i was initially going to run my photo along a wall and let the autos do their thing but the wall wasnt the sunniest spot. they are now all in the sunniest spot and im LSTing the photo (and autos a lil bit) to keep the height manageable. so left my gf with the plants while i was away, told her she wouldnt have to worry about watering just to let me know how long the 5L lasts really.... it lasted long enough and they had a few days to dry out a bit again before i was back. the NLBlue also had pretty much dried out so i got her to water it a bit.....easy enough for her cos she doesnt have to ph tap water for the soil grow. the only thing she really needed to worry about was bending the main stem to get under the net....which she managed just fine. took this pic before i went away, taken on 4/8/13


here are some pictures she sent me while i was away....

Pics taken 10/8/13

was nice to see them growing, as in really growing, nice growth spurt. and she bend that ho down nicely! love my girl. (the real one)

These pics were all taken today, all plants coming along really nicely, automazars are showing preflowers and the NLBlue is just looking lovely, watered her with just water and some hesi root complex yesterday as i intend to try cloning for the first time. Need to tidy up her bush and may as well try my hand at something new, need to pick up some clonex or something first though. had to remove a few dead leaves (lack of light i think) but other than that shes looking fine. im just glad the automazars have taken off :)

pics taken 17/8/13
automazars are 54 days from sprout (yeah could be bigger but theyre getting there) and NL Blue is 63 days form sprout i think (sprouted 21/6/13, automazars on 1/7/13)

not counting the dawn and dusk light, sunrise til sunset is about 13hrs45mins at the moment, and where i am i have around a month and a half til 12/12 im only worried about the weather after september but apparently it will be sunny and dry, just not as warm. time will tell!

glad to be back tho, missed the girls (all of them haha) and am really chuffed to see no bugs or anything (been spraying the balcony with neem mix regularly and its due another spray soon) the NLblue has a fucking fat stem also good. i think perhaps if i can use this net to get one good photo grow a year i wouldnt need to bother with the autos....ive been researching awesome tasting fruity strains and am really interested in (dinafem i think) sweet deep grapefruit. id like to see some photos in the autopots for sure. i also plan on doing a soil/perlite (or clay pebbles) mixture in the autopots instead of coco and see how it goes. thats all for now folks, ill catch you guys soon with some more updates!



Active Member
Hey bud pleased to see you back.
Looking better now pal.Autos are a tad small,but they are a small strain anyway,arent they?And long flowering time.
The ones i looked at were anyways.So theres plenty of time for growth.

NL looking well.Your gf`s done a great job.
Loving your joinery work by the way.Nice little screen.
Well done bud.


Active Member
thanks dude, didnt take too long to build it out of some wood pieces that were about to get binned at my gfs shop. scorrrrre! i have more pictures now so lets go....i took 4 clones off the NL Blue as i needed to tidy her up a bit anyway....been training her more and her stem is a fucking beast now lol, getting harder to bend so i use the little twist ties....tie her down and then add a few more twists each day....helps keep her low and makes it easier to fit the stem under the next bit of net when she reaches it.

I think i might have mentioned, clones are in water, with hesi root complex and a dash of powerzyme. no pics of the development but all i see so far is very thin root hairs, almost like a mass of fuzz coming from the submerged stems. ive read that water cloning can take a while, in some cases a good month before proper roots begin to form. one of the clones wilted like a bitch today, only noticed as i went to change their sprayed leaves with some plain water...hopefully she will perk up, im resisting the temptation to pot them up but the roots are really nowhere near developed enough its been almost ten days so early days yet i guess....anyway

Pics taken 17/8/13


I have also now put a pump in the res to keep the mixture moving around and oxygenated...cant say ive noticed much of a difference, but since the autos were tall enough to bend under some netting, i bent them just slightly and now some of the lower bud sites have shot up and they will hopefully develop some fat nugs! the NL Blue has started showing preflowers, yay! breeder description says something like 55 days flowering time, so couple of months and ill be harvesting hopefully! should be harvesting the automazars much sooner though. still have some way to go but check it:

pics taken today (26/8/13)


the autos are still a bit small, but plenty of bud sites, dont mind the height as long as they produce. still testing out auto strains to find one i like but if they all turn out shit compared to my photo then ill more than likely do a phat 3 plant photo grow in the autopots next year under the scrog net.....should see me through but ill know for sure once i harvest the NL Blue. i smoked all my biodiesel mass, only got a few joints worth of the white dwarf left so started mixing in a bit of the kief i got off the bud leaves, really adds another level of mong to the smoke!

will keep the pics and updates coming....



Active Member
wellll my clones big deal though as it was a test run would be nice if next year i can grow one photo in the clay pot, and clone it for the 3 autopots instead of running autos. i can run autos rest of the year really, but for the last summer grow it would be cool to get a bumper harvest of a selected strain. ive been browsing a lot, along with sweet deep grapefruit (dinafem) im tempted to try medical seeds chanel plus, purely based on some smoke a friend donated to me of this was great. also herbies are giving a free delicious seeds cotton candy fem with orders atm, also looks good! autos wise, ill see how the automazars smoke as the new dutch passion blue automazar could be an option. ive seen a lot of barneys farm stuff that always gets mixed reviews. acapulco gold, vanilla kush, pineapple chunk, all look nice but reviews arent great. well...moving on

a few things ive noticed regarding smells....the automazars dont give off much of a stink at all.....til my fingers brush some pistils as im adjusting net/trimming. the smell that is left on my fingers is fucking heavenly, smells very very nice, fruity, almost juicy fruit like! as for general ambient smell, even putting my nose upto the bud doesnt smell that much at all....a bit of a musky earthy resin smell but nothing like the fruity goodness its hopefully saving for the smoke!

the Delicious Northern Lights Blue has an odd smell. smells like tea. the leaves, my hands after handling, just very tea like. as flowering progresses im sure this will develop further. looks like its gonna be a good yeilder....

pics taken 27/8/13

i had moved clones into jiffys as they were starting to get all floppy, thought if i cud bury the stem a bit it would support them better
2 clones were still going for it

2 days later


noticed more of the fuzzy stuff, started looking more like mold than roots, i binned them all shortly after. any tips other than "get some clonex" lol?

Taken today 3/9/13

NLB just over 10 weeks
Automazars at around 9 weeks. they havent got much longer i dont think, but im gonna have to harvest in stages. main colas are almost there but seconday bud sites will need more time.


NLB starting to flower

Smallest automazar (this was the one with squishy taproot when i germed so im not surprised.....has a few other bud sites though and looks like a thinner sativa dominant budding going on......but looks like the whole of the main stem will be covered in bud!)


Medium Automazar (has most secondary colas,main cola looks chunky too)


biggest automazar (only has 2 colas, but they are looking awesome!)


ive been pretty happy with the automazars, they have grown with no issues like previous grow, ive started adding a bit of cannabio boost during flower, along with slowly increasing the pk booster has really helped fatten the buds. will wait til the pistils look right before getting the loupe out to check the trichs. but far, no nute problems with either....same for the NLB....lets hope it keeps that way! ive only got some hash (really good slightly squidgy stuff) at the moment so am looking forward to getting those top colas off the autos when they are ready!

off to make some fucking burgers....YEAH!


Well-Known Member
The 55 day thing is for indoor growers. You will have to stay on the trics and kind of keep track of when it started getting 12hrs sunlight. Good luck, I tried to order nlb but it was sold out!

taken yesterday after moving the NL Blue to her final home.....i took the soil and coco pellet out of the party cup, and while the soil was retaining moisture the coco was drying out in the middle....not good! put her in the pot and gave a water....need to get some more clay pebbles for the coco i the autopots but have around a week before i move the seedlings in there. not as hot now so i reckon they can take the sun...

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taken today, the NL Blue looks like shes settled in nicely, and the AM seedlings are coming on too :) just need regular misting as the coco pellets dry out every few days...i try not to let it get to that but sometimes it does..after dusk i move the seedlings near a large reading lamp we have...not that it will make much difference but as theyre autos i may aswell give em as much light as poss....they still get a dark time as when i go to sleep i switch the light off and move them back to their spot by the window. sprayed the balcony with diluted neem again, after a massive cleanup from the mess i made trying to transplant an NL auto....
View attachment 2737484View attachment 2737486

i do have a question... the NL Blue takes 50 - 55 days flowering. and is supposed to finish mid september. by my calculations, she would need to start flowering nowish, to fit those dates. in my location, the sunrise/sunset hits 12/12 in a few months....why would the plant flower before that? or are the breeder descriptions given for a certain part of the world? daylight hours differ depending on where you are so im pretty confused, i should have a good few months of veg before she starts flowring...right?


Active Member
The 55 day thing is for indoor growers. You will have to stay on the trics and kind of keep track of when it started getting 12hrs sunlight. Good luck, I tried to order nlb but it was sold out!
she started showing preflower about a week ago, so mid sept for outdoor in.breeders description should be more or less there, but yes thanks will keep an eye on the trichs....once they show themselves haha. I'd never even considered any delicious seeds the NLB was a freebie, was really impressed with how well she germed, but as shes my first photo i dont know if photos are.generally stronger and easier to germ than autos


Active Member
photo update time..... it has been a little while since the last one!

taken on 16/9/13
The NLB is now kinda dwarfing the AM´s. im glad i went with a net cos she would be halfway up the window by now.....the occasional chopper still worries me a bit though! some other plants from next spring will help disguise them a bit so am researching and planning veg and medicinal plants, herbs etc, companion planting etc.....

I noticed the purpling on one automazar a few days ago, wasnt coming through well in pics so i thought id wait til it was more visible.... i definintley didnt order the new Blue AutoMazar, the packet was for AutoMazar yet i have one going purple! is this temperature related? or am i just lucky lol? buds are sticky, getting harder, and are developing a more earthy aroma, still a sweet tone in there, and more so on the fingers...

Smallest one (had a feeling she would be a weak grower from the root when i germed them....still has a good amount of bud, im sure it will smoke just as well....smells the same as the others)

Medium one main bud (although the other budsites have turned out pretty decently sized too, one almost same size as main bud)

Taken today 26/9/13

The autos have been drinking less water recently...also the trichs are about 5% amber on the top colas so time to flush.... i think i let my first grow go a bit too long so i dont want to make the same mistake this time. put 5 L of tap water in the res yesterday (ph 5.7, as i have a pump in there which pushes ph up a bit plus there was a bit of water with nutes still in there which would have been at a higher ph.....been phing around 5.7 or less throughout flower for the same reason....was at 5.5 in veg.....especially when dealing with 15 L at a time as that water was gonna sit there with the ph going up so hopefully the plants have had a chance to get all nutes as the ph was rising)

The purple is really amazing on this one now, and the other 2 automazars are showing a bit of purple too, so its not just one of them! its not a deficiency from what ive read, but could be due to cooler evening temps, as ive also checked out the mazar lineage and none of it seems to include any purple genetics from what i remember. im not complaining! (check out the disguise decor...... if anything it will draw more attention lol......jeez)

NLB has really come along in the last 10 days, weather is now changing so hope she finishes up soon! i never did have a problem with her flowering with the city/ambient lights around but seems like she even started before the equinox, which now i understand is normal with outdoor)

The lovely coloured automazar has some white flecks on a few fan leaves, i have no other sign of nute burn or deficiency on any of them, maybe a bit of flecking on the medium one but all im thinking is the only advice i havent taken so far but wanted to be able to compare it.... and will probs buy only when i need to buy more nutes next.

im probably going to take the tops of the autos in the next few days, i might end up harvesting the plants in their entirety if i see any amber on the lower bud far i have seen none. doesnt help having the NLB shadowing the lower buds, so if i do take the tops ill be able to move them out from the net so ill also be able to get under the NLB from the other side, she needs a trim, ive taken a few yellow leaves from underneath from the side i can reach from but i want to remove some of the undergrowth and small bud sites from the other side !

the automazar buds are SOLID!!

ive seen more little flies around lately, been using neem a lot less as they were flowering but as soon as ive taken the autos the NLB (and the whole balcony) is gonna get some

im sure people think im crazy when they see me on my balcony spraying at what looks like invisible plants....



Active Member
Ahhhh yesterday morning it.fucking pissed it.down ! Buds got wet, stopped raining i gave them a good shake...but its delayed my plans to harveast tempted to harvest today or tomorrow cos the whole.of next week is set to rain, they have somw protection from the weather but if the wind is blowing into the balcony they are fucked..... Drinking super slowly and no signs of yellowing apart from a few leaves, not an overall yellowing that would be associated with a biodiesel mass in my first grow didnt change color much during flush, i dont kbow if i should wait for one more sunny day before chopping or just go for it now. High levels of humidity too from 60 - 100 %......looks set to rain hard for a few weeka and then dry up again after, so the NLB should make it! Shes got more blueberry aroma coming thru now :-) mmmmmmm


Active Member
Ok bud,NLB looking nice,plenty of bud sites on it.Should do well if the weather holds for you.
Not sure about the purpling on your autos,but if the night time temps drop below 50f,P can be locked out.
Ive had leaves go slightly purple,late on in flower and i put it down to molybdenum def.
Keep an eye on those night temps bud.Bringing them inside will cause a stink up.
Good luck mate.


Active Member
Night temps are ok lowest at around 55f. Not sure what it is really lol. It could be related to my infestation lol! Was reading up on the white dots, even tho ive looked for bugs before i never sae any just thought it was dirt on the leaves, upon closer inspection today i foubd and killed a few bugs. Noticed a tiny bit of web, spider.mites! Went out and fucking drenched them with neem havebt been using as they are so close to harvest didbt wanna cause mold but its been raining anyway so fuck it i thought! Suprisingly they seem to like the most I dont think theres a link between the color and the bugs.but i.have no clue, removed.some. Dead leaves and sprayed all over, under the most white.spotted leaves etc. damn.bugs!