

Has anyone grown deisals before and if so did you get alot of yellowing leafs after week 3 of flower it seems like everytime i go in there im pulling off 10 dying leafs off of each plant is it the strain or am i over fertalizing. And i also have some pk in veg in week 1 and the leaves are startin to curl down words and side ways can some one give me some advice on what im doing wrong.


Well-Known Member
I havent grown that strain, but doesnt matter. Something isnt right if you are seeing that many dying leaves.

What size pot are you growing in, what kind of soil/hydro, what kind of nutrients?


Well-Known Member
you got any pics , it could be a million diff things but without pics its almost impossible to help you man ... if you dont want to take pics of plants just take some of the damaged leaves you have removed