deformed auto flower3 weeks old??


Well-Known Member
What have you been feeding it?:lol:What the ph & ppm and the favor of nutrs?:blsmoke:

Its really looks retarded:lol:

If you can't figure out what wrong and straighten it out yeah you got to start over
but you still like to find out what wrong so you don't repeat the problem~~~
I'm think to much of something! At 3 weeks old my plants are are already veging
and about 15" in height after that said I would start over fast~~~

:bigjoint: :finger: :weed: :hug: :clap: bongsmilie :eyesmoke: :sleep: :cuss: :wall: :hump: :spew:


Active Member
well ive got 2 other autos, 7 big bud and 3 kush cuttings that are all fine, and that have all just had a mild dose of formulex, ph 6, temps 75c.. now they on ionic grow in a hydro system. all just keep it going then ey and see what happens! lol :)


Well-Known Member
dude do not throw that out!

That is EXACTLY what I have been looking for.... look at the leaves! Very similar to ducksfoot! Keep this and breed it out! This is amazing


Well-Known Member
Do not throw this away. It is a mutant, but could be a beneficial mutant.

In every species on the planet, there was a mutant, whether or not it was a beneficial mutant depends on whether or not it survives and has offspring....

This looks to be possibly a beneficial mutant, bc it has a odd looking leaf pattern (similar to ducksfoot) and its an auto

Id be shitting my pants, also this has nothing to do with feed (possibly to much N b/c of the super dark leaves) but the leaf formation on the other hand is very odd.


Active Member
the only thing if its beneficial its in the wrong hands, what could i do with it??
its a feminised auto so it will flower then what.. rejuvinate it?
its either auto maria, white widow or auto blue berry, i got them mixed up a bit back and lost which was which... if ur in uk matt its urs come get it!


Well-Known Member
unfortunately, you cant flower and rejuve it at all... Autos are exactly that, they grow/make bud to hold seeds then die... If you were to let a auto bud out and not cut it down, it would just die and fall over at some point.


Well-Known Member
I grow a LOT of autos and every now and then, I to get a mutant like that....push it back into a corner, feed it along with everything else...perhaps in a month, you'll have a surprise....


Active Member
7 of the big bud are regular and im expecting a male or 2 in them.. what u think, mix it with a big bud??
whats happend in the past when uve had mutants flower oldreefer?


Well-Known Member
They'll finish....although smaller yeilds...varies though....let it go ahead and flower....personally I never seek seeds from a mutant...just let it do it's own long as it isn't taking up needed space. In my case (growing only for mysefl) if I get a gram or two, that's fine....just decide what end result you wish.....ya may even try something 'out of the box' and see if ya can help it...good karma sent to sickly one...


Well-Known Member
Just pollinate the hell out of it with your males... when you breed out you might see the same mutant pheno and possibly still get good yield... you never know!