Defoliation the first few leafs

Have always defoliated it's more a case of having to than wanting too.
Plants don't seem to have any problems with it.
They will need it again pretty soon.
You can see on this first plant it's so frikkin tight it needed it.

The second plant not so much so. But the side arms have jumped overnite with the extra light.

Only using a 150 watt Quantum board
Light is 24 inches and there still not stretchingIMG_20210327_054211_2.jpgIMG_20210327_054203_3.jpgIMG_20210327_054211_2.jpg
Have always defoliated it's more a case of having to than wanting too.
Plants don't seem to have any problems with it.
They will need it again pretty soon.
You can see on this first plant it's so frikkin tight it needed it.

The second plant not so much so. But the side arms have jumped overnite with the extra light.

Only using a 150 watt Quantum board
Light is 24 inches and there still not stretchingView attachment 4863778View attachment 4863773View attachment 4863778
Those plants weren't even close to "having" to remove leaves. Focus on getting them healthy instead of pulling off leaves.
Those plants weren't even close to "having" to remove leaves. Focus on getting them healthy instead of pulling off leaves.
Thanks for the reminder unfortunately having bipolar can forget what I've done 30 seconds after doing it.
It's getting warmer and didn't reset the water heaters.
Sorted now and there a better green already.
There will be a whole load more defoliation to come don't worry.
Gently simmering the roots @26c is not a good idea heaters are now off and a better sheen to the leaves today.
Back in a week or so for a whole load more of what you lot don't like DEFOLIATION.
It's not that everyone doesn't like defoliation, it's more the fact that your plants don't require it. You are pulling off leaves just to pull off leaves.

Like I said before you should focus on getting them healthy instead of pulling off leaves that should stay.
Defoliation at such a young age is a bad idea and is simply not needed. There is a reason why people defoliate at the end of veg and early flower. The plant's roots have filled out its final container by then and it has enough mass that clipping a few leaves won't slow down its growth at all. Clipping those huge leaves on such a tiny plant with a small root system will only reduce its growth.
Having a BP attack over what was happening with the plants took a while to suss out.
A combination of winter to summer changeover keeping water heaters in and not changing to air heating made a bigger mistake broiling the roots for a month didn't do them good. Making them nutrient sensitive had to drop E.C to 1.6/1.8 to get roots growing againIMG_20210413_072953.jpg
Was not a good idea just using inch rockwool to start them as they fell over as well LOL resorted to some Chinese scaffolding to hold them up should have used 3 inch blocks but hey ho off we go. Anyway took nearly three weeks to get them better.
Bitch is now have one way bigger than the rest.
Defoliation will start on that gal
Had a little tidy up taking leaves away that are covering the upcoming flowering heads before and after
Changed the growing angle of the plant bottom leftas the big mother may cover.IMG_20210414_071621_3.jpgIMG_20210414_071621_3.jpgIMG_20210414_073204_3.jpg
Time has come for a bit of a sort out got a nest in the big Mutha and the other nearest on the left done a bit of LST on the big ones back arm taking it away from the back plant
This will be regular every few days now. It's not a case of wanting to more having too.
Mutilating a young plant like that is very counter productive. This has no place in the advanced section TBH.
That's your opinion. No problem.
If the plants are left it gets totally impenetrable so I defoliate plant doesn't have a problem with it nor do I.