Defining and Understanding the Left

Mr Neutron

Well-Known Member

The origins of the modern left can be traced back to the famous passage in Rousseau’s Discourse on the Origin and Foundations of Inequality, in which he condemned the institution of private property:
“The first man, who after enclosing a piece of ground, took it into his head to say, ‘this is mine,’ and found people simple enough to believe him, was the real founder of civil society.”
Added Rousseau: “How many crimes, how many wars, how many murders, how many misfortunes and horrors, would that man have saved the human species, who pulling up the stakes or filling up the ditches should have cried to his fellows: Beware of listening to this impostor; you are lost, if you forget that the fruits of the earth belong equally to us all, and the earth itself to nobody!”

Around the 1830s, a faction of French liberals gravitated toward Romanticism and the philosophy of the late Rousseau, proclaiming that capitalism, private property, and the increasing complexity of modern society were agents of moral decay -- both for the individual and for society at large. This is essentially the worldview that has made its way, through history, into the collective mind of the modern left; it is a worldview calling for a revolution that not only will topple the existing capitalist order and punish its corrupt leaders, but that also will replace that order with a socialist regime where the utopian ideals of perfect justice and equality will reign. Such an ambition can be put into effect only by a totalitarian state with the authority to micromanage every facet of human life, precisely the end-point toward which the policies and crusades of the modern left are directed.

The contemporary left holds that non-socialist societies are composed largely of dominators and the dominated, oppressors and the oppressed. The alleged cause of this social arrangement is the economic system of free-market capitalism, which is viewed by the left as the root of all manner of social ills and vices -- racism, sexism, alienation, homophobia, imperialism. In the calculus of the left, capitalism is an agent of tyranny and exploitation that presses its boot upon the proverbial necks of a wide array of victim groups -- blacks and other minorities, women, homosexuals, immigrants, and the poor, to name but a few. That is why according to the left, the United States (historically the standard-bearer of all capitalist economies) can only do wrong.

To eliminate America’s inherent injustices, the left seeks to invert the power hierarchy, so that the groups now said to be oppressed become the privileged races and classes (and gender) of the new social order. The left’s quest to transform the “dominated” into dominators, and vice versa, draws its inspiration from the Communist Manifesto, which asserts that “[t]he history of all hitherto existing society is the history of class struggle.” The struggle identified by the Manifesto was that of the proletarians and their intellectual vanguard, who, armed with the radical utopian vision of socialism, were expected to launch a series of civil wars in their respective countries -- battles that would topple the “ruling classes” and the illegitimate societies they had established.

According to Marxist theory, these conflicts would rip each targeted society apart and create a new revolutionary world order from its ruins. In an effort to bring about this utopia, the contemporary left has formed a broad alliance, or united front, composed of radicals representing a host of demographic groups that are allegedly victimized by American capitalism and its related injustices. Each constituent of this alliance -- minorities, homosexuals, women, immigrants, the poor -- contributes its voice to a chorus that aims to discredit the United States specifically -- and Western culture generally -- as abusers of the vulnerable. Nor is the left’s list of victim groups limited only to human beings; in the worldview of leftwing environmentalists and animal rights activists, even certain species of shrubs, trees, insects, and rodents qualify as victims of capitalism's ravages.

The seeds of the contemporary anti-American left sprouted in the New Left’s rebellion against the classical liberalism of the post-World War II era. True to its tradition in the New Deal, that liberalism was strongly supportive of the civil-rights movement, the eradication of poverty, and other social causes based on an amelioration of inequality. And on the international front, this “centrist,” post-World War II liberalism stood firmly against communist totalitarianism. Indeed it was the “Cold War liberals,” rather than the conservative movement, that recognized the Soviet threat and engaged and fought the USSR through a policy of containment.

Then, in the 1960s, came the New Left, a movement that rejected classical centrist liberalism because of its gradualism in domestic policy and its anti-totalitarianism in foreign affairs. At its beginning, the New Left also rejected Stalinism (though it saw Stalinism as perilously close to being morally equivalent to the U.S.). But the New Left also romanticized the charismatic revolutionaries of the Third World as an alterative to the "red" on the one hand, and to the "red, white and blue" on the other. As a result, the New Left wound up romanticizing a whole new set of totalitarian heroes -- figures such as Mao Zedong, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, and Daniel Ortega.

Changed by the war in Vietnam from a movement theoretically hoping to make America better, into one that believed America was unredeemable, the New Left became a “revolutionary” movement in its approach to domestic policies and foreign affairs. Targeting “Cold War liberals,” it made them an endangered species and attacked the Democratic Party which had mirrored their beliefs and principles. By 1972, after the trauma of the 1968 Chicago convention, the New Left “progressives” had not only killed the post-war Democratic Party, but, through the nomination of George McGovern for President, seized and inhabited its corpse.

The New Left effectively exiled the leading figures of the old centrist liberalism, especially figures such as Hubert Humphrey and Henry “Scoop” Jackson. After accomplishing this parricide, the New Left not only controlled the Democratic Party but also appropriated the classification of "liberalism," thus accomplishing something that the Communist Party USA(CPUSA) had long tried to do when it called communism “liberals in a hurry.” The CPUSA had not succeeded in this because the true liberals had refused to allow such a definitional outrage. But because their credibility and self-confidence was so deeply shaken by their backing of the Vietnam War, these genuine liberals were unable to hold the line against attacks from the New Left “progressives,” and they lost not only their party but also the term which had defined their principles. Many of these centrist liberals wound up moving toward Reaganism and neo-conservatism when they saw what those who now called themselves “liberals” actually believed and wanted to accomplish through their control of the Democratic Party.

Calling themselves “liberals,” today’s leftists (descended from the New Left) claim the moral high ground as self-anointed exemplars of compassion and enlightenment -- counterweights to the supposedly “reactionary” conservatives they depict as heartless monsters. The modern left understands that in order to win the hearts and minds of Americans, it must present its totalitarian objective -- the uncompromising destruction of the status quo -- in the non-threatening lexicon of traditional Western values; that is, it must cite, as its animating purpose, the promotion of such lofty ideals as “human rights,” “civil rights,” “civil liberties,” and above all, “social justice,” or the “correction” of the free market’s inherent inequalities through political interventions of a Marxist nature. As the perennial Socialist presidential candidate Norman Thomas oncesaid: “The American people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But under the name of ‘liberalism,’ they will adopt every fragment of the socialist program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without knowing how it happened.”

Toward this deceitful end, the left co-opted, in the years following the Vietnam War, the name of “liberalism,” long honored in the West as the movement that had brought freedom, dignity, economic opportunity, and legal protections to millions of people who had been denied those advantages everywhere on the globe since the very dawn of history. Draping their programs and objectives in the rhetoric of classical "liberalism," leftists embarked on the revolutionary enterprise of redefining, subtly and incrementally, what most Americans understood liberal policies to be. Over the course of years and decades, the leaders of the left championed crusades and ideals that bore ever-decreasing resemblance to the liberal causes of a prior era, yet they invariably identified both themselves and their evolving causes as “liberal.” Most significantly, they were largely successful in getting the media and academic elites to parrot their redefinition of that designation at every stage along the way. Thus, programs that were in fact leftist and socialist were enacted by legislators and social reformers in the name of “liberalism,” whose reputation for noble intentions served not only to shield those programs from public criticism, but in fact to win wide public approval of them.

When the term “liberalism” (from the Latin word liberalis, meaning “pertaining to a free man”) first emerged in the early 1800s, its hallmarks were a belief in individual rights, the rule of law, limited government, private property, and laissez faire economics. These would remain the defining characteristics of liberalism throughout the liberal epoch (generally identified as the period of 1815-1914). But the contemporary version of liberalism is a parody of its predecessor. It is a stalwart champion of group rights and collective identity, rather than of individual rights and responsibilities (e.g., the racial preference policies known as affirmative action, and the left's devotion to identity politics generally); the circumvention of law rather than the rule of law (as exemplified by the flouting of immigration laws and nondiscrimination laws, and by a preference for judicial activism whereby judges co-opt the powers that rightfully belong to legislators); the expansion of government rather than its diminution (favoring ever-escalating taxes to fund a bloated welfare state and a government that oversees virtually every aspect of human life); and the redistribution of wealth (through punitive taxes and, again, a mushrooming welfare state) rather than its creation through free markets based on private property.

Another hallmark of classical liberalism was its spirit of toleration for divergent beliefs and ideas, and of respect for individual freedom of thought. Yet in modern leftism, we find precisely the opposite: intolerance of opposing viewpoints, and the promotion of group-think. The left interprets as treason any deviation from its own intellectual orthodoxy, if exhibited by a member of a so-called “victim” group who theoretically ought to occupy a place in the phalanx of revolutionary agitators. We see this phenomenon manifested with particular clarity by black leftists who excoriate black conservatives as “race traitors,” “house slaves,” “Oreos,” and “Uncle Toms.”

David Horowitz has made the following cogent observations about leftist intolerance:
"Since ideologies of the left derive from commitments to an imagined [utopian] future, to question them is to provoke a moral rather than an empirical response: Are you for or against the future equality of human beings? To demur from a commitment to the progressive viewpoint is thus not a failure to assess the relevant data, but an unwillingness to embrace the liberated future. It is to will the imperfections of the present order. In the current political cant of the left, it is to be 'racist, sexist, classist,' a defender of the oppressive status quo.

"That is why not only radicals, but even those who call themselves liberals, are instinctively intolerant towards the conservative opposition. For [leftists], the future is not a maze of human uncertainties and unintended consequences. It is a moral choice. To achieve the socially just future requires only that enough people decide to will it. Consequently, it is perfectly consistent for [leftists] to consider themselves morally and intellectually enlightened, while dismissing their opponents as immoral, ignorant, or (not infrequently) insane."
Contemporary “liberalism” is leftism in disguise. Thus the travesty of the “liberal” label being widely attached to individuals such as Michael Moore, George Soros, Noam Chomsky, Al Sharpton, and Jane Fonda — all of whom are opponents of the classical liberalism which defined America and the West for two centuries.
very informative but maybe a tad biased? I consider myself a classic liberal and HATE the nanny state the left is shoving down my throat but I get the feeling the author feels the same as I so it will surely be attacked as nonsense.
very informative but maybe a tad biased?

a tad biased? best i can see this is a david horowitz website. who is david horowitz?

David Joel Horowitz (born January 10, 1939) is an American conservative writer and policy advocate. David Horowitz is a founder and current president of the David Horowitz Freedom Center and edits FrontPage Magazine. Horowitz has also founded the organization Students for Academic Freedom, whose self-stated goal is combatting "leftist indoctrination" in academia.

Controversy and criticism


Some stories Horowitz has used as evidence that U.S. colleges and universities are bastions of liberal indoctrination have been disputed.[SUP][50][/SUP] For example, Horowitz alleged that a University of Northern Colorado student received a failing grade on a final exam for refusing to write an essay arguing that George W. Bush is a war criminal.[SUP][51][/SUP][SUP][52][/SUP] A spokeswoman for the university said that the test question was not as described by Horowitz and that there were nonpolitical reasons for the grade, which was not an F.[SUP][53][/SUP]Horowitz identified the professor in this story[SUP][54][/SUP] as Robert Dunkley, an assistant professor of criminal justice at Northern Colorado. Dunkley said Horowitz made him an example of "liberal bias" in academia and yet, "Dunkley said that he comes from a Republican family, is a registered Republican and considers himself politically independent, taking pride in never having voted a straight party ticket," Inside Higher Ed reported.[SUP][54][/SUP]
In another instance, Horowitz stated that a Pennsylvania State University biology professor showed his students the film Fahrenheit 9/11 just before the 2004 election in an attempt to influence their votes.[SUP][55][/SUP][SUP][56][/SUP] Pressed by Inside Higher Ed, Horowitz reversed himself and retracted the story.[SUP][57][/SUP]
Horowitz has also come under fire for material in his books, particularly The Professors: The 101 Most Dangerous Academics in America, as New York UniversityProfessor Todd Gitlin has written.[SUP][58][/SUP] The group Free Exchange on Campus issued a 50-page report in May 2006 in which they take issue with many of Horowitz's assertions in the book and describe what they see as factual errors, unsubstantiated assertions, and quotations which appear to be either misquoted or taken out of context.[SUP][59][/SUP][SUP][60][/SUP][SUP][61][/SUP]
[edit]Allegations of racism

Chip Berlet, writing for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), identified Horowitz's Center for the Study of Popular Culture as one of 17 "right-wing foundations and think tanks support[ing] efforts to make bigoted and discredited ideas respectable." Berlet accused Horowitz of blaming slavery on "black Africans … abetted by dark-skinnedArabs" and of "attack[ing] minority 'demands for special treatment' as 'only necessary because some blacks can't seem to locate the ladder of opportunity within reach of others,' rejecting the idea that they could be the victims of lingering racism."[SUP][62][/SUP] Responding with an open letter to Morris Dees, president of the SPLC, Horowitz stated that his reminder that "the slaves transported to America were bought from African and Arab slavers was a response to demands that only whites pay blacks reparations, not to hold Africans and Arabs solely responsible for slavery, and that the statement that he had denied lingering racism was "a calculated and carefully constructed lie." The letter said that Berlet's work was "so tendentious, so filled with transparent misrepresentations and smears that if you continue to post the report you will create for your Southern Poverty Law Center a well-earned reputation as a hate group itself."[SUP][63][/SUP] The SPLC refused,[SUP][64][/SUP] and subsequent critical pieces on Berlet and the SPLC have been featured on Horowitz's website and personal blog.[SUP][65][/SUP][SUP][66][/SUP]
Tim Wise, lecturer and leftist activist, has accused Horowitz of associating with racism. According to Wise, Horowitz has received $4 million from the Bradley Foundation, which also financed The Bell Curve (a controversial book on race and intelligence).[SUP][67][/SUP]
In 2008, while speaking at UCSB, Horowitz stated that the keffiyah, an Arab head covering, as made famous by PLO leader Yasser Arafat, is a symbol of terrorism. In response, UCSB professor Walid Afifi accused Horowitz of "preaching hate" and smearing Arab culture.[SUP][68][/SUP]
[edit]Muslims and universities

On April, 2008, the 'David Horowitz Freedom Center' ran an advertisement in the Daily Nexus, the University of California Santa Barbara school newspaper, alleging the Muslim Students' Association (MSA) of having links to the Muslim Brotherhood, Al Qaeda and Hamas.[SUP][69][/SUP] In May 2008, Horowitz, speaking at UCSB, accused the Muslim Students' Association of supporting "a second Holocaust of the Jews".[SUP][68][/SUP] The MSA responded by saying they were a peaceful organization and not a political group.[SUP][69][/SUP]The MSA's faculty advisor said the group had "been involved in interfaith activities with Jewish student groups, and they’ve been involved in charity work for nationaldisaster relief."[SUP][68][/SUP]
Around the same time Horowitz also ran the ad in The GW Hatchet, claiming the MSA was a radical group. Jake Sherman, the newspaper's editor in chief, said claims the MSA was radical were "ludicrous", and promised to review his newspapers' editorial policies.[SUP][70][/SUP]
In the Columbia Spectator newspaper, Horowitz said that, according to public opinion polls, "between 150 million and 750 million Muslims support a holy war against Christians, Jews and other Muslims."[SUP][71][/SUP]
At the University of Massachusetts Horowitz made numerous comparisons of Islamists to Nazis: "Islamists are worse than the Nazis, because even the Nazis did not tell the world that they want to exterminate the Jews." Horowitz also said "there are good Muslims and bad Muslims just like there were good Germans and bad Germans" and "The Palestinians are Nazis. Every one of them and their elected officials are terrorists."[SUP][72][/SUP]
During a speech at the University of California at Santa Barbara, Horowitz accused students wearing green in support of the school's Muslim Student Association of supporting Hamas, and students wearing Arab Keffiyehs of honoring Yassir Arafat and terrorism.[SUP][73][/SUP] Horowitz has also directed campaigns such as "Islamofascism Awareness Week", which brought leading critics of radical Islam to more than a hundred college campuses in October 2007.[SUP][74][/SUP]
On an Al-Jazeera broadcast, Horowitz states "The Muslim Students Association pretends to be a religious organization while it is really an arm of the Muslim Brotherhood…Hamas and Hezbollah." He then stated that "he has had many encounters with this [MSAs and the Muslim Brotherhood] and that is how my views are correct...they need to convert to Judaism or Christianity and then condemn Hamas and Hezbollah as a terrorist organization for me to leave them alone..."[SUP][75][/SUP]
didn't read the article, but judging by the terms "marxist" and "communist" the author has no idea what modern liberalism is.
didn't read the article, but judging by the terms "marxist" and "communist" the author has no idea what modern liberalism is.

the author has also been consistently wrong about what he perceives as "leftist indoctrination" in colleges.
Damn college!

UB you're a portlander right? Jefferson smith? I haven't been paying attention to local elections for shit and there are like 15 dudes on the ballot. I'm thinking smith, wanted a second opinion.
Damn college!

UB you're a portlander right? Jefferson smith? I haven't been paying attention to local elections for shit and there are like 15 dudes on the ballot. I'm thinking smith, wanted a second opinion.

i don't think i get to vote for portland's mayor as a resident of a surrounding town.

we got our ballots and i am pissed that i am not allowed to vote for secretary of state, state treasurer, or attorney general as an independent. my wife is a registered democrat and does get to vote on these things. pisses me off.
i don't think i get to vote for portland's mayor as a resident of a surrounding town.

we got our ballots and i am pissed that i am not allowed to vote for secretary of state, state treasurer, or attorney general as an independent. my wife is a registered democrat and does get to vote on these things. pisses me off.
Yeah being a registered independent is weak. I changed to D for the first time so I could vote in primaries but I didn't anyway. I just did all the general election/local measures. Tbh I had forgotten I had switched my Party affiliation so when I thought I was finished voting and noticed all the democratic primary options I kind of just said fuck it and mailed the ballot in.
I would say that the modern liberal is just any person who believes all the "new-speak" and is forgetting the "old-speak". Thanks George.
Perhaps mame and Uncle Buck could tell us all what the REAL definition of the new left is, instead of hijacking the thread.
Perhaps mame and Uncle Buck could tell us all what the REAL definition of the new left is, instead of hijacking the thread.

the new left is anyone who doesn't masturbate to david horowitz and his busted theory of liberal indoctrination centers.

very informative but maybe a tad biased? I consider myself a classic liberal and HATE the nanny state the left is shoving down my throat but I get the feeling the author feels the same as I so it will surely be attacked as nonsense.

Actually, classic liberals share more ideology with modern conservatives than they do with the contemorary left (progressives)
Actually, classic liberals share more ideology with modern conservatives than they do with the contemorary left (progressives)

Actually, Conservatives and especially Neo-cons are the classical liberals enemy just as much as progressives, Conservatism would be the libertarian guise that holds us back. So no we don't appreciate conservatives at all, especially for trying to pretend they are us and hijacking our movements when they actuallly despise us and disagree with us on many levels. It is very important to understand that the progressive are just as much the enemy as conservatives.
Actually, Conservatives and especially Neo-cons are the classical liberals enemy just as much as progressives, Conservatism would be the libertarian guise that holds us back. So no we don't appreciate conservatives at all, especially for trying to pretend they are us and hijacking our movements when they actuallly despise us and disagree with us on many levels. It is very important to understand that the progressive are just as much the enemy as conservatives.
Neo-con is a very loose term used these days, and to claim modern day conservatisim is an enemy akin to the progressive movement is way off base.
Being a staunch fiscal conservative myself, I believe in freedom and liberty for the individual, I'm for states rights and for a smaller federal government with less intervention, show me a true classic liberal that thinks differently!
And the majority of modern conservatives are rather moderate thinkers and practitioners when it comes to social issues.
Where we might differ from classic liberals is on our foreign policy and national defense, I want a strong and robust military and believe in peace by strength.
I am however against military intervention unless it's a matter of national defense and we do not condone nation building.

The new left (progressives) is the antithesis of modern conservatism and classic liberalism. there is no argument to that.