deficient or lockout???????????????


Active Member
For a buddy im trying to help out, any ideas? grown in soil, fresh soil, 1 month in veg using ff nutes correctly , 50% humidity, 74degrees light is not to close. It does not seem to be fertilizer burn to me because the tips are not browning, he does have some curling but not always at the yellowing tips, also new growth is lighter green and also has yellowing on new tips, not on old growth and only 2 out or his 4 have thi problem... Any ideas??????????????????



Active Member
Im not thinking its early nut burn because it was just put in 5 gallons fresh dirt, 1/4 strenth nutes like he always uses, nothing changed from his last grow except this lime green tips now that dont turn brown, they just keep getting green edges now along with the tip but no brown


Active Member
If you caught it early the tips will stay like that and not affect anything. Is it progressing down the leaves or has it stopped? I burned my plants barely and all the tips turned exactly like that. I backed off the nutes and all is well. They still have the tip discolored but haven't progressed.


Active Member
It is still progressing slowly mainly staying on edges and tips for now, and i had him use water only for last 2 waters, new growth lime green with yellow tips also