Deficiency? *pics*


Active Member
Hey guys--

Got a little bit of a deficiency on my hands, was hoping for a possible diagnoses from the Grow Doctors. I think I have an idea of what it is, but I before I say it and people just agree with me, I want some independent thinking haha.

Day 24 of flowering, SCROG setup, mostly sativa dominant plants. Hydro setup (ebb n flow), pH is stable between 5.6-6.0. Temps never rise above 80...feeding the LUCAS formula with a Mg/Ca supplement, floralicious plus and Big Bud. Only a few leaves have discolorations, everything else is fantastic. Check out the pics and please weigh in with your opinion!

Link to my journal if you need more info:





Active Member
Lucas calls for 0/8/16
Change it to 5/8/16
This should solve that.
The rest of your grow
Looks fine
That'd be nice if I owned the Grow nutrients haha but I don't since lucas doesn't call for it....anything else I should add instead? What does the Grow formula include that the micro/bloom nutrients don't?



Well-Known Member
I got the same shit on my lower leaves. I was assuming its some sort of fungas or mold because the humidity in my box has been gettin as high as 70 some nights(N)


Active Member
Well now that i've had some opinion, I guess I'll go ahead and say what I thought it was. In my opinion it was a calcium defiency...since the leaves looked like they had dead spots, crinkling, spotting, or small brown spots. Like in this pic, which is a generic display of Ca deficiency:

Still unsure though. Never used Liquid Karma...isn't it similar to Big Bud?

Thanks for the input--

Looks like a problem i had had. Boron deficiency your PH seems to be at the right place that is suggested for boron to absorb and thrive best in hydro, im really unsure. i would have bet on boron but you seem to know whats up. I fixed mine with a teaspoon of boric acid per gallon of water and do either 1/4 or 1/2 strength on the nutes i was told half but i still had problems did a 1/4 strength nutes with 1 teaspoon boric acid, which i buy at the store its just eyewash. hope this helps good luck!

herbal Essence


Well-Known Member
Leaves are light green or yellow beginning at the base, while the leaf margins remain green. Necrotic spots may be between veins. Leaves are not twisted. » Manganese deficiency.

Phosphorus (P) is necessary for photosynthesis and works as a catalyst for energy transfer within the plant. Phosphorus helps build strong roots and is vital for flower and seed production. Highest levels of phosphorus are used during germination, seedling growth and flowering. Deficiencies will show in older leaves first. Leaves turn deep green on a uniformly smaller, stunted plant. Leaves show brown or purple spots.

Do your observations fit with either of those two, or possible both?


Active Member
Funny I just got back from reading your journal... I am having a similar problem....

What are your ppm's at? my are pretty low... going to try raising mine today.

View attachment 1854411View attachment 1854412
Sup Silvers--good to see you haha. Looks like our plants have a "common cold" per say that seems to be going around. My PPMs are between 1250-1350. They're handling it quite well. Like I said, this deficiency is only on a few of the leaves and doesn't seem to be much of a problem, however I'd like to find a cure. I boosted the Mg/Ca in case that could be the issue, which was my first guess. I actually did that a few days ago before I made this thread, we'll see if that corrects my issue and the deficiency doesn't appear anywhere else. The Boron deficiency is an interesting call, especially because sometimes the plant may look like it has a calcium deficiency because boron is needed for the plant to properly use calcium. So maybe that's it.

I don't think it's Phosphorus because the LUCAS formula accounts for that pretty well, especially with my PPM's being well above 1000. I'm also adding Big Bud and Floralicious Plus in addition to basic nutrients which are pretty high on the phosphorus. Leaning towards Mg/Ca...but then it could also be Boron because without Ca can't be absorbed! I dont know!



Active Member
Sup Silvers--good to see you haha. Looks like our plants have a "common cold" per say that seems to be going around. My PPMs are between 1250-1350. They're handling it quite well. Like I said, this deficiency is only on a few of the leaves and doesn't seem to be much of a problem, however I'd like to find a cure. I boosted the Mg/Ca in case that could be the issue, which was my first guess. I actually did that a few days ago before I made this thread, we'll see if that corrects my issue and the deficiency doesn't appear anywhere else. The Boron deficiency is an interesting call, especially because sometimes the plant may look like it has a calcium deficiency because boron is needed for the plant to properly use calcium. So maybe that's it.

I don't think it's Phosphorus because the LUCAS formula accounts for that pretty well, especially with my PPM's being well above 1000. I'm also adding Big Bud and Floralicious Plus in addition to basic nutrients which are pretty high on the phosphorus. Leaning towards Mg/Ca...but then it could also be Boron because without Ca can't be absorbed! I dont know!

Yea I'm interested to see how this works out... update this once you find a solution. I've found so many threads on this site that are like "ZOMG HALP" then posting just stops... So the real question is, wtf happened?! I always update my old threads with answers to questions that I've posed to the community. It's just a nice way to do things, plus it helps everyone out.


Active Member
i had a similar issue with my past crop and someone here suggested magnesium deficiency
Cool...looks like Mg is leading the way. Like I said I bumped both my Mg/Ca levels, so hopefully this stunts the spread of this bastard. We shall see. And yes, good point Silvers I will make sure to update this shit with the answer (hopefully)!

More suggestions/comments are always welcome!!



Rebel From The North
Just go buy a bottle of grow you will run into this over and over agian with lucas, trust me been there done that!
Lucas claims that micro and bloom has enouh nitrogen to feed the needs of a plant and in most cases it will but
Strains that are heavy demanding feeders will tell you, you need to add grow 5/8/16 best of luck bro HR30


Active Member
Okay so I added some more cal/mag, which also has a nitrogen additive. The problem isn't subsiding, and is actually showing on a few more of the leaves. It's only on one plant though. I noticed the problem when i started using Big Bud, and since the cal/mag didn't help I'm thinking that it's actually a little bit of nute burn. I backed off a little bit when I changed my res today, and I lowered the PPMs to about 1200. I also used half as much Big Bud, so that puts me at about 1/4 strength now. We'll see if it helps.



Active Member
Okay so after a couple weeks of this and the problem not going away, I FINALLY think I figured out what's going on here. It IS a Mg deficiency, but there's a reason why just adding more Mg/Ca wasn't doing the trick. It's getting locked out due to a Potassium toxicity. Too much K can lock out Ca and Mg.

When you have too much Potassium in your soil, it can lead to big troubles, like salt damage and acid fixation of the root system, as well as too much potassium can cause a calcium deficiency. Your fan leaves will show like a light to a dark yellow to whitish colour in between the veins. Due to a molecular imbalance, potassium toxicity can cause a reduced uptake and lead to the deficiencies of Mg, and in some cases, Ca. Also leads to the other nutrients to not be absorbed properly leading to lots of other deficiency such as: magnesium, manganese, zinc and iron and can cause problems with calcium as well.
Sounds like what I'm experiencing here, and that would make sense because in addition to the LUCAS formula, I was adding Floralicious Plus AND Big Bud, both of which are very high in potassium and phosphorus.

I changed out the rez and am flushing with clean, 0 PPM water. Going to cut out the Big Bud for now and see how it affects. Back with an update soon!

Comments are always welcome!
