Deficiency or ph? Help

Ok guys I posted a couple pics a few days ago trying to get some help on whats going on with one of my plants. I think these pictures help show exactly whats goin on. Its about 4 weeks old now in happy frog soill using fox farm/advanced nutes in a 1 gal pot. Dunno the strain but was growing good until I topped it. Now its growing super slow and growing small thin leaves with some yellowing and a couple tiny brown spots. Today I noticed more purple creeping up the stalk and on the stems. The bottom leaves are starting to yellow more and feel dry/crispy to the touch and are kinda curling down. Today the leaves seemed more droopy. flushed a few days ago. Should I transplant into 3 gal or wait till she looks better?? Phosphorous def?? Sorry to post a new thread I just wanted to start over with better pics.


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The brown spots are a sign of either CalMag or phosphorus deficiency. It also looks like it could use some nitrogen. You can transplant it as long as its been about a week or so since you topped it so it won't be overly stressed after transplanting. Good luck.
Looks like magnesium/calcium problem,I take it you are using bottled water?whats your watering frequency and how much?what exactly are you feeding it?
Yes I use bottled water and give this plant around 4oz of water pretty much everyday. I have some fox farm grow big 6-4-4, fox farm big bloom, GO bio root 1-1-1, AN cali mag extra 4-0-0, AN JJmicro 5-0-1, bush docter comback formula and bush docter flowers kiss. I have only given it a weak dose of nutes about once a week because this is my first time using happy frog soil which says it feeds the plant the first few weeks and I didnt want to burn it. After it kinda started looking bad I was hesitant to give it a stronger dose of nutes or feed more frequently (twice a week) because I was worried about nute build up or too much of something that would lock out something else. Also because alot of info said giving it more will only make it worse.
Some plants don't do well to training, or topping. I am not suggesting that is the cause. It seem odd that cal-mag would be the problem at this stage, What are you ph'ing your water and nutes at? I know from past experience Fox farm nutes will drop you ph in to the low 4's so you will have to bring that up. to 6.3 -6.5, I use silicon solution diluted in to a little water and use that to ph my water back up rather than ph up
I just seen you use water every day? I personally would not do that in soil, maybe coco, or hydro but soil holds waters, you could be getting root rot, the only way to tell is tip the plant and slid it out a little or transplant it, if the roots are tan or brown, thats not good
Well it looks over watered you shouldnt be watering like you are.You need to feed enough that you have a slight bit of runoff,wet the whole pot, then dont water It again until the top couple inches of soil is dry.
I also stick my finger in the soil a couple inches and its dry before I water

Dude...dont water 4oz a day.Let it dry now and next time...wet the whole pot to a little run off. Fabric pots will dry a little faster but I wouldn't water that in soil more than 1 or 2 times a week
I never use anywhere close to enough where it would run out the bottom. So I should use more water but a lot less frequently?
yes I think u got dry spots in soil 4 oz in 1 gal soil is nothing wet it good pick it ud check weigh wait2-3 days pick it up again c change learn to feel