
wheezy e

Hey RIU,

I'm deep into getting my perpetual SOG going, and I've been wrangling with what looks like nute burn AND nitrogen deficiency. It can't very well be both is my thinking. my soil's runoff is about 450ppm, so the burn doesn't make sense, and then again, the deficiency doesn't make sense either. unless my GH FloraNova (combined with my calMag) are not cutting it.

My only thought is nute lockout:

  • due to PH or
  • due to algae growing in my containers.
Here's some photos, maybe you can make heads or tails of it

20140715_225957.jpg 20140715_230011.jpg 20140715_230108.jpg

Here you can probably see the algae growth: 20140715_230232.jpg


Active Member
There are no burns, bottom leaves turning yellow is a sign of nitrogen deficiency, maybe lock out as you said ..


Well-Known Member
I would bet the farm that they want bigger homes. 450ppm isn't super low, but it's not super high. I don't think you should be getting N def at that dose as floranova have a decent amount of N. I've run into this problem before when plants outgrow their homes-something about getting too root bound make is hard for them to uptake certain elements I believe-I could be wrong, but that's been my experience when everything else seam to be ok-ppm, environment, ect.


Well-Known Member
It always happens when I leave rooted clones in party cups for too long-doesn't matter what I feed them, the bottom leaves will start to yellow and work their way up. As soon as I transplant them into bigger homes, the yellowing stops and they perk up. Can you see the roots really circling the containers?


Well-Known Member
Seems like when plants get root bound they kill off the lower growth, maybe cause the roots can't support that much veg? Either repot or trim some lower growth


Well-Known Member
I agreed with squidbilly They could prolly use bigger pots... especially if some of the containers are clear the plants won't be as likely to envolope the whole thing as roots don't like light, bigger pots with fresh soil and just plain water for a week and I'll be your issue cleans up

wheezy e

Hmm, @Squidbilly and @Bublonichronic, definite food for thought. I'm trying to keep all of my girls shorter than 17 inches because of the size of my cab. They may want larger homes, but anything over 17" is too tall. I'm wondering if i will be stuck moving away from the strains i've chosen.

Since i'm happy with the general height (12-15 inches), and knowing that these clones will meet their makers after harvest, do you think its worth it to even bother worrying about the yellowing? should i just prune the lower leaves or should i test that this is just root bound by putting one of these girls into a larger container?

Another option would be to just cover the containers. I was thinking i could just duct tape the shit outta those girls to block the light leakage.

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Well-Known Member
You can definitely let it ride! See how it keeps going- if it progresses slow and the plant still seams vigorous and is packing on wieght, it's probably nothing to worry about. Leaves sometimes yellow during during flowering. If it's getting worse, maybe it's time for a tansplant, or at least an evaluation of your roots. I know you said you had algae, which a little on top isn't a big deal and isn't harmful in low doses, but enough of it will cause problems. I would light proof your bottles with duct tape or something similar if you haven't already just to be safe. Your plants look healthy other wise.