Deficiency ID help

J Bone

IMG_0797.jpgIMG_0790.jpg Its a little hard to see, but if you look at the leaf edges in the close up pic, you'll see that it's starting to fade and develop a reddish/brownish color. The other pic is just so you know what the whole plant looks like. Ive been trying to ID it myself using different deficiency keys, but I'd love to hear what other people have to say. Any feedback on what deficiency this might be and how to fix it would be appreciated!

The plant is flowering and growing in subcools super soil under a 600watt hps. I just feed it water, besides an aerated compost tea I feed it every couple weeks.


Well-Known Member
fuck bublon , i aint never heard someone say fuck SS?
dirt is harder to grow in despite what the world thinks.

that girl needs some N bad. but it seems only one is having that prob? if your whole room looked like that , i would say to give it some N right now. (non-organic) yea who cares what the other one looks like , you dont have time for all that. just give the worst one a heavy dose of N an see where your at in a week.



Well-Known Member
I'm all about soil...just dont like companies that rip off other companies (Scott's supersoil been around since 1954)....


Well-Known Member
I'm all about soil...just dont like companies that rip off other companies (Scott's supersoil been around since 1954)....
no , no. i didnt even know there was a name brand "supersoil" ?

he is using Subcool's supersoil. subcool is a renoun soil man! its just a recipe to make your own. (with the ingredients he likes to use) its a VERY good soil that most people can water from start to finish with no food at all....only water.

sorry for the confusion.