Deficiency help please.


Active Member
Hi guys I'm back again with another question. I'm growing white widow in biobizz all mix soil and using bac organic nutes. Having a little issue at the moment I am guessing it could be due to over fert but I'm not entirely sure. Is there any chance you guys could help out. Here are some pic on my situation. I am around 6 weeks into bloom. thanks alot guysIMG_20200326_185703.jpgIMG_20200326_185709.jpgIMG_20200326_185729.jpgIMG_20200326_185808.jpgIMG_20200326_185817.jpgIMG_20200326_185850.jpgIMG_20200326_185859.jpgIMG_20200326_185909.jpgIMG_20200326_185943.jpgIMG_20200326_185951.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looks like more than one thing going on. You have those cupped leaves and what looks like an overfed plant. Overfeeding can cause nutrient antagonism locking out some nutrients. The cupping/canoeing can be caused by high temperatures.


Active Member
Thanks for the reply. I did have a slight issue with heat for a few days. But managed to get that under control. Now I st to sort the ther issue out that you say could be over feeding. I will also reduce my feeds too. Thanks again for your time.


Well-Known Member

It appears you're short on P and K...nothing overly odd for a plant this far into flower.
It appears you have some mite damage and / or mites
It appears you over fed your plants a bit, (some burnt tips and some very dark green leaves)
It appears you may have them too close to your lights or it's too hot in your grow area (cupped leaves)

Your plants look nice and frosty, never the less. If it were me, I would try to mitigate the mites, and perhaps the P and K shortages (be sure your pH is dialed in first). I would not be cutting back on nutrients per se, unless you see something grossly out of whack; your plant needs all it can get at this point. Slow and steady wins this race. Good luck friend.


Active Member

Damage to the leaf was caused by myself when I removed it. I can't find any sings of any type of mite after searching tho hole plant. Altho it does look like it could have a note issue. I have used both a jewelry loop and microscope to check this. As for pH I am waiting for my new testing kit to arrive. Thanks again for your time it's very helpful.IMG_20200328_094101.jpgIMG_20200328_094033.jpg