decomposing animal=nutrients?


Well-Known Member
my friend killed some birds with a pellet gun and decided to put the dead bird in the soil under the roots. one outdoors and one in a 5 gallon bucket on the deck. both the plants are doing very well, and there are no signs of death under the soil. my friend says he sees ants in the soil, but i don't see them. does anyone know if the bird carcas could help add nutrients? has any one done this before? would it be dangerous to ingest the harvest?


Well-Known Member
The native Americans used to put whole fish in the soil in their corn fields, and these days we use fish emulsion for faster uptake by the plants, so i dont see this being bad at all. Personally I would have de-feathered the bird and put it in a blender and then mixed it with bottom half of the soil to keep the smell underground. Using the whole bird might take a while to break down. Also, washing the bird in a good strealizing solution may help keep things clean and pest/disease free. Expect he runoff water to smell of dead/rotting flesh.
wild birds can carry pests and nasty diseases that are readily transferred to humans. Fish dont really. You see people eating raw fish on a regular basis. You NEVER see people eating raw birds. No coincidence there. I wouldn't smoke it, but it might be ok.

As Lavar Burton used to say, "But dont take my word for it" - just Google bird disease, or avian disease. Good times.

Plopping a fish under the soil seems reasonable though, if you dont mind the awful smell.

Evil Buddies

Ganja King
burying a dead animal in your soil outdooors encourages other animals to come dig them up. By the time that the bird has decomposed and relases its nutes in the soil the plants will have already matured and grown, You can buy Organic blood bone and fishmeal from most diy stores relatively cheap. I think animals should only be killed if your prepared to eat it or for others to eat. Except for rats and other pests I hate rats.


Well-Known Member
All I have to say is, GROSS!

I'm not sure what possessed you to do this. Birds are essentially rodents with wings. They're disgusting creatures. You may as well have buried a dead rat under your plant. Do you want to smoke dead rat buds? LOL. Have fun with that. Something will probably come along and did up the carcass... just imagine all the maggots that are probably writhing around in the soil beneath your plant. MMMMM.


Active Member
So one year a raccoon got hit infront of my house, right before a big snow... was subsequently pushed onto an island at the top of my drivway where it froze and sat there encased in ice all year... next year in the summer it thawed and kinda melted into the ground... i was going to pick it up (and then i got high).. nah but it was like a raccon soup by the time i thought of picking it up... either way grass grew like CRAZY in this island bed, but oddly enough it only grew in the sape of the rodent... kinda like a police homicide outline... there is no denying animals have all the nutes and more that a plant would need to live.. and i don't know why people think that using a decaying animal will make your plant have like dead rodent flesh in it... its just not the case, the plants only going to take what it needs and filter out the rest...

long story short.. if you don't mind the smell and no other animals dig it up.. bravo you shouldn't need to use nutes on the grow. and you should name the weed 'big bird' born from his sole.


Well-Known Member
the one in the ground is named purple widow because its suposed to be purp and has a bunch of spiders on it. does purp bud in early august in the south? as far as the smell goes, it smells great, no death stench.

yesterday we pulled up a dying plant and maggots shot out of the stem, but it was 20 feet away from the bird.

the bird plants look awesome. i was going to add some pics, but cant figure it out. all i have is 3g phone no net on the laptop.


Well-Known Member
I put fish guts in my compost barrel, don't think I'd mess around with any other kind of dead creatures in my compost though. Fish attracts animals bad enough already.


Well-Known Member
the one in the ground is named purple widow because its suposed to be purp and has a bunch of spiders on it. does purp bud in early august in the south? as far as the smell goes, it smells great, no death stench.
Any of the Widow strains are Indica dom so, yes they will be starting to flower this time of year in the South.


LoL...all I have to say on the whole blender as far as nutrients go, anything that was once living has a carbon molecule and carbon molecules break down to provide nutrients. So if you live near a lake, do some fishing, save the seaweed ;O) and if ya can try getting the muck up from the bottom, very rich stuff from dead fish, birds and seaweed that accumalates over the years. Just test your muck, sterilize everything and off you go.