Decent, Cheap Vape Pen for Dry Herb and Hash?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, what's a good vape pen that can do both dry herb, and hash (like finger hash, and maybe BHO)? I'd like to stay under $100. I know that's pretty cheap, bur I should still be able to get one that's decent quality and will last.
not really they are all about the BHO on the west coast .......over here on the east coast it is just starting they have never seen a ovape pen in my area

the trouble with hash it is still melts for vapes on herb that is not biggie
stealth vape

they also have a good oil ......the wax one is new to me so i can not say anything unless it is the one i think they mean for oil then it kicks ass it has 2 coils one at bottom and one at top so when it is full u get a clean hit ......but i use BHO in mine might work for hash melt but the keef type stuff i would not try it other then the herb one
not really they are all about the BHO on the west coast .......over here on the east coast it is just starting they have never seen a ovape pen in my area

the trouble with hash it is still melts for vapes on herb that is not biggie
stealth vape

they also have a good oil ......the wax one is new to me so i can not say anything unless it is the one i think they mean for oil then it kicks ass it has 2 coils one at bottom and one at top so when it is full u get a clean hit ......but i use BHO in mine might work for hash melt but the keef type stuff i would not try it other then the herb one
So if I understand, you think I should just put the finger hash in the dry herb chamber?
So if I understand, you think I should just put the finger hash in the dry herb chamber?

is it real hash (real hash melts like bho ) then u can use the oil thing

if it is like hash from ice bags or keef i would use the dry herb attachment one

the one i linked u is adjustable volts so u can make the coil hotter or cooler during the vape the vape will only last 15 secs (push the button wait 4 to 5 secs to warm coil up pull and keep button down after 15 secs the battery will stop supplying the coil with power so the hit is over ) u would have to let off the power and push it again and hold for next hit

i took mine tho denver airport with no trouble unused get it home i fedex my carry on bag home
is it real hash (real hash melts like bho ) then u can use the oil thing

if it is like hash from ice bags or keef i would use the dry herb attachment one

the one i linked u is adjustable volts so u can make the coil hotter or cooler during the vape the vape will only last 15 secs (push the button wait 4 to 5 secs to warm coil up pull and keep button down after 15 secs the battery will stop supplying the coil with power so the hit is over ) u would have to let off the power and push it again and hold for next hit

i took mine tho denver airport with no trouble unused get it home i fedex my carry on bag home
Finger hash is basically all the tricomes and other plant matter that sticks to your fingers when you trim. So I guess it's closer to keef.
Finger hash is basically all the tricomes and other plant matter that sticks to your fingers when you trim. So I guess it's closer to keef.

that stuff unless u were wear gloves i would tho it into the trim jar for bho or cookies .........u know it has skin cells in it
that stuff unless u were wear gloves i would tho it into the trim jar for bho or cookies .........u know it has skin cells in it
Yes I will be wearing gloves and unfortunately I have no way to make BHO. I guess I'll have to see how much there is and decide then. But I'm definitely gonna get a pen for my dry buds.
Yes I will be wearing gloves and unfortunately I have no way to make BHO. I guess I'll have to see how much there is and decide then. But I'm definitely gonna get a pen for my dry buds.

dude bho is the easiest thing in the world to make
or u use unbleached coffee filters like 4 of them (they are 15 to a 10 Micron rating)
u use a rubber band around it to hold on to the packed glass.......put the tube with the packed weed in the freeze for over night

u get a pot and fill it with water add some salt (it raises the boil temp of the water) .....heat the water up nice and good make sure when u need too that silicon plate fits over the put with out going in and the water is touching the bottom (heat transfer) then u use 2 cans of the 5x power butane and blow it over top of the green pan the gas comes out and goes in pan the hot water makes the gas evape off (i add some 99% iso in mine ) the gas bubbles of outside u bring in the plate some place warm leave it there for 30 mins more gas escapes then u put the silcon plate on something warm like a skillet or hotplate on a low setting and u whip it around more gas escapes u use a dull razor blade to collect and wipe into containers

your done
dude bho is the easiest thing in the world to make
or u use unbleached coffee filters like 4 of them (they are 15 to a 10 Micron rating)
u use a rubber band around it to hold on to the packed glass.......put the tube with the packed weed in the freeze for over night

u get a pot and fill it with water add some salt (it raises the boil temp of the water) .....heat the water up nice and good make sure when u need too that silicon plate fits over the put with out going in and the water is touching the bottom (heat transfer) then u use 2 cans of the 5x power butane and blow it over top of the green pan the gas comes out and goes in pan the hot water makes the gas evape off (i add some 99% iso in mine ) the gas bubbles of outside u bring in the plate some place warm leave it there for 30 mins more gas escapes then u put the silcon plate on something warm like a skillet or hotplate on a low setting and u whip it around more gas escapes u use a dull razor blade to collect and wipe into containers

your done
But how bad does it smell? And how much wax do you yield from an oz of decent bud? I might do it to my trim (and the tiny nugs), but I will probably save most of my flowers.
But how bad does it smell? And how much wax do you yield from an oz of decent bud? I might do it to my trim (and the tiny nugs), but I will probably save most of my flowers.

no that was a mistake i did too .........the oil from the trim and the oil from the buds are 2 total night and day effects

trim oil can be very very very very strong but the taste is off and after effect of a crippling head ache sucks ......the oil will come out a dark green color that will look like black goo when collected

the stuff from the bud that is the golden colors u see in the porn bud pics and all that .......the high is much better no head ache at the end ...this is the good smelling stuff they sell in the shops

some ppl do mixing of 3/4 good buds and 1/4 trim to use the trim to increase the weight but most of the shops and bigger grows will use that sugar leaf and trash buds for cooking or to make the Ovape tanks

as for returns this all depends on your skills with the plant and what u have done to it best return on a oz was 4.7 grams my worst was 2.5 .......the tricks i have learned is to chop the stuff up pretty finely then do the freeze thing ........the iso trick i do is something to clean and gather the oils from the last batch that did not scrape up and to make the butane and oil thinner so degases faster (the 99% iso will evaporate due to it nature and the side effect is the oil will turn into a version of wax it called winterizing your bho makes it little more heat stable ) when u scoop it all up just leave the cap off the container for 2/3 days any iso left will pass off into the air then u can cap it and store away if in your pocket do not have to worry it is going all goo takes a lighter to melt it again into oil

the smell ..........for safety reason must of this is done outside ........u do not bring in the plate until most all of the gas is gone it will look like little bubbling oil slick or syrup ...pop the large bubbles let the gas out this point the amount of butane let in it will not pose a danger to u inside and can move it ......the 30 mins in the warm area thing is to let the gas collect and bubble out more ........the smell is pleasant to stoners not bad to other ppl but once u make it u know it for life it takes about 5 hours with a good cross wind........if not then a day or 2 and best to eat something like shrimp (u know leaves that smell in the air for a day to 2 )

the heating part causes the most of the smell be it is needed ...........u want something the plate can fit and u can warm it up .....if at all possible u want to control this 180 degrees now u will see more bubbles u use the tool and whip it around releasing more gases (also iso) the stuff thickens up and gets a yellow color u whip every few mins ........after about 20 mins 30 at the most gather it up and remove from the heat place some where warm for the 2/3 days before u cap off what u have done is released the gas as much as is possible with out use of a vac chamber ...and turned all the TCHA and CBDA into THC and CBD called decarboxylation it makes your stuff stronger the trick is having controlled heat and time to much heat and the time u can work it decreases after a set point u start turning THC and CBD into other less effect chemicals .....what i have told u u can do it little longer up to 40 mins at 180 but after that u are making your stuff weaker
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tool i am talking about is this

it is made with the same silicon that the jars are and the plate so does not stick to a needle or something for the razors just dull the blade have 2 of them u will need to scrape cleaning ........when i am done i take the plate and 2 razors put it in a 1 gallon zip lock bag .......before i blow the next time i will add little iso in the plate and swoosh around cleaning the left overs up into the iso .......then take the razors out and blow into there u are saving as much as u can and the weights should begood

u just have to adjust your growing alittle if u want higher bho returns ..........u need to build up resins using the right feeds and some finishing lights/UV .......someone post a return of 8.8grams off a oz of girlscout cookies (photo plants will get u better returns with the longer flowering time then autos)

i grow autos so my numbers will always be lower then what photos can do in returns 30/45 days to flower where photos are 90/120
if u do all trim u want to let the oil spread out on one of the slick mats and then hit with UV light for awhile it will help turn it to a amber color instead of green tint ..........i just know about it i have never done it so time tables i am not sure

but u want a white mat so u can check the effect of the light clearly
........the smell is pleasant to stoners not bad to other ppl but once u make it u know it for life it takes about 5 hours with a good cross wind........if not then a day or 2 and best to eat something like shrimp (u know leaves that smell in the air for a day to 2 )
So best case scenario the outside of my house smells like weed for 5 hours, worst case it's 2 days. I just don't think I can risk that.
So best case scenario the outside of my house smells like weed for 5 hours, worst case it's 2 days. I just don't think I can risk that.

yes and no it depends on what u do for a smell control
if u just crosswind it then yes

but u can do a stinky dinner like fish ....or u can use a ozone gen

i own this it worked great for about 15 months i need to replace it now tho has a ozone option and the amount if u run it on lvl 5 in the area u did the cook down u will not smell anything in 20 mins or less the ozone kills the smell

i used it for clipping inside ....sit in front of the tv and watch while i am doing clipping and jarring .clipped and jarred half pound had ppl over 30 mins later they smelled nothing

and no it is not the smell of weed it is something else unless u know what the smell is u would think it is cooking or flowers
I have a Snoop Dog g-pen that works fine for vaping herb. I have an ego-t for wax/shatter.

Still think a glass rig is the best way to go.
yes and no it depends on what u do for a smell control
if u just crosswind it then yes

but u can do a stinky dinner like fish ....or u can use a ozone gen

i own this it worked great for about 15 months i need to replace it now tho has a ozone option and the amount if u run it on lvl 5 in the area u did the cook down u will not smell anything in 20 mins or less the ozone kills the smell

i used it for clipping inside ....sit in front of the tv and watch while i am doing clipping and jarring .clipped and jarred half pound had ppl over 30 mins later they smelled nothing

and no it is not the smell of weed it is something else unless u know what the smell is u would think it is cooking or flowers
Maybe I'll try blowing my trim for now. I don't wanna blow half my bud only to figure out I don't like BHO (i've never smoked it). So if I'm gonna blow just trim, do I do it when it's fresh and wet, or dry and crispy, or somewhere in between? And you say hitting it with UV might make it better? Is that UVB?

I know it's not gonna be perfect but it's better than nothing.
u want all of it to be dry .......when i am talking trim i mean that trim before u jar it up all those sugar leaves ........if u are like me u can make something for clipping i get all the tricromes that fall on the cutting area plus the leaves and sweep it into a trim jar as it fills up i take a blade and chop it up and grind it down so more can fit get enough to blow it took several plants (u do not want fan leaves or stems u want that sugar leaf that u trimmed off to show off the bud) this can take awhile to get a OZ and u are not getting a true read on your returns from a oz

u want your stuff dry as possible and crushed up .......not powder but broken into fine bits ........pack the tube put on what ever screen u are going (if u are to make ejuice u need a very fine micron screen so the stuff is clear and pulls in nice to coil) .......if u are going to dab it or add on weed bong hit u can got a bigger micron.....freeze the material and tube when u shoot the butane tho it make the resin glands break off much easier

as for UV u are looking to bleach out the green pigment in the oil so it is is UVA and UVC the 2 really bad ones for plants ........this step is not needed it just makes it show pretty ..........other wise ppl will call it black goo

ok BHO oil made all from trim is really strong and might not winterize like mine does (i could never get it too) that is the ISO trick i told u about to make it more heat stable not base your choice to try BHO made from bud on this after effect was a huge headache from this stuff not a good stone for me

the stuff i got from shops and the bud bho is totally different