Decay of Lower Leaves, any help out there?

Bamboo Green

Active Member
I noticed that my plant has been developing rapid yellowing of the leaves, turning brown and shriveling up and dying off. This is just happening at the bottom level of the plant but i notice further up that edges of the leaves are turning dark brown in color. I have flushed the plant of any nutrients and reduced feeding it nutes for at least a week or two. pH of water is 6.2 on the dot everytime I water. Which is about every three to four days. I wait till the soil is completely dry to the bone. I use a moisture meter to check. Just installed two new fans for air circulation. My plant just looks weird in general. I found out it is 100% organic and that it normally grows seeds in very low numbers. It is a G-1 strain I get from my local dispensary.

Nutes - Bloom Booster Pro 0-50-30
Big Bud 0-2-4 (haven't used it yet)
Grow More Fertilizer 2-2-2

Soil - Fox Farm Ocean Mixture

Temps - Vary between 76.4 to 88.9 degrees

Lights - Using 4 of the 6 Sylvania CFL 1640 Lumens/Bulb 3000K
105 Watt CFL 6500K Full Spectrum Bulb
Running a cycle of 16/8 right now heading into 12/12 in a week

Any help with the dying leaves? Am I doing something wrong here?
Only my second attempt at this.

