Deaths toll, Iraq


New Member
In war, people get killed.

Brilliant, just brilliant. No mention of the fact that it is an illegal war, one propagated by neocons to fit their profit motives. Don't even ask me to prove this, if you can't see it then no amount of my trying to show you will make it clear.


New Member
"No mention of the fact that it is an illegal war..."

You've made this statement before, and I've asked you to tell us what, in you opinion, makes this war "illegal" and you've failed to respond to the question. Would you like to take another stab at it? Inquiring minds would like to know.



Well-Known Member
Hillary,Kerry,Edwards,Kennady,Fingold, all voted to go to war. Why did Hillary say in the early 1990\'s ( while her husband was in office) that Suddam was a threat, and he did have Biological wepons? That\'s on the record..... It fit there agenda that\'s why, and now it does not. These people(meaning the left) are so stuck on themselves it\'s pathetic.....they need to get there heads, out of there asses. They are more worried about power & there Socialistic agenda. Indie.


New Member
That's exactly right, Indie ... And Med WILL NOT answer the question because he knows good and well that his fellow socialist buddies in the Congress gave the executive branch (the president) authorization to go to war. Med is all about bullying, blustering and bull shit.



New Member
That's exactly right, Indie ... And Med WILL NOT answer the question because he knows good and well that his fellow socialist buddies in the Congress gave the executive branch (the president) authorization to go to war. Med is all about bullying, blustering and bull shit.

Fuck all of you right wing assholes. I'm tired of you assholes ganging up on me, believe what the fuck you want, there is no communication only right wing drivel Double fuck you all! especially you Vi you piece of shit Fuck you right in your ass! Next time I see you your in for a huge ass whippin. Now you have driven me to threats I hope your stupid ass is happy, I'm through with this site. I hope I meet you somewhere, I'll fuckin rip your fuckin head off! Fuck you!


New Member
Fuck all of you right wing assholes. I'm tired of you assholes ganging up on me, believe what the fuck you want, there is no communication only right wing drivel Double fuck you all! especially you Vi you piece of shit Fuck you right in your ass! Next time I see you your in for a huge ass whippin. Now you have driven me to threats I hope your stupid ass is happy, I'm through with this site. I hope I meet you somewhere, I'll fuckin rip your fuckin head off! Fuck you!
1. Welcome to the realization that you are NOT in the majority and that your "thinking" is not as main stream as you thought.

2. As far as my "ass whippin" goes ... I'd suggest that you get your ass whipped into shape.

3. Sorry to see you leave the site Med because I still have plenty of "stick" to poke.

4. And as for the "ripping my head off" comment ... again, get your big ass in shape my friend. Yer gonna need the wind.

5. Why do you constantly take everything so personal?
