Dealing with deficiencies! plz help


Set up
Ocean Forest with perlite in 2 litter bottles
Tap water not phd =/ But just started using ro water this week
ppm 800
500 - 800 mils on a 3 month plant (havent yet dialed down my watering yet)
ph 7.9

Since im on a budget but starting tomorrow I will start adjusting my ph lvl on my soil. Need to hit the store to get ph down. (going to the hydro store first thing tomorrow to buy ph down, *already have up* ph 7.0 to dial my ph meter, and if needed dolomite lime)
Ive been dealing with some nasty deficiencies that look like mag, cal, and boron. I figured that since im not ph'ing my water that I have probably locked out my plant from these nutrients.
Today I went out and bought some Ironite pebbles hoping that it would stabilize my soil and giving me green results

My question is, since I have the ironite, do i still have to get the dolomite lime to help stabilize my soil once i start ph'n my soil?

How do I make a mixture of water to help buffer my water? (is it just ph ro water to 6.5?)

I've read and read and read and even read some more i tend to misunderstand the wordings of people and find it vague so i find it difficult to comprehend.

:leaf:Thank you in advance:leaf:


Well-Known Member
never never never worry about ph in soil..first off soil is ph balanced. then you have water which as long as you are letting it sit out at least a day before use to evaporate chlorine will not change the ph of soil. then you have nutes which are also ph balanced me when i was a noob every little problem i couldnt figure out i was like shit ppl make a big deal about ph maybe its that. nope never was. basically any time you see someone worrying about ph in soil its because they just dont know what their problem is. i have posted comments like this many times and all the guys who frequent this site agree! dont waste your time and money on ph it will be perfectly fine straight through 99 grows then because of some city water coverup one of every hundred might be a ph problem lol....from what you typed i have to say your just lost at this point because its not are the questions i have for you..the plant is 3 months old correct? and has been in a baby two litre for how long? and how tall is the plant? and how long have you been adding nutes like since what day from seed? first and most logical guess without any feedback yet is that you need to transplant.


Well-Known Member
and even if your ph is slightly off again you dont even need to test and wont even know that its slightly off because it will have no adverse effects...i mean you have to pour some damn vinegar or something in to actually have soil so acidic it causes problems...


Hey ! Thank you for the feedback.
From what you just told you, you have me figured out >____< lol Yes I had the plant in a small bucket for 2 months before I transplanted into a bigger pot. After 2 months and 3 weeks I started using nutes but only micro, bloom and grow. I barely just started feeding my plant with those nutes plus calmag, revive, and carboload.(hasnt been a full week yet since the change in nutes) My plant is about 2 and half feet tall. everything was going great in the first 2 months but then i started dealing with deficiencies. right now I have a clone about a month and some weeks old thats healthy with little to no deficiencies.

since my plant is 2 1/2 feet tall and has 3 months under its belt what would be the proper amount of water I should feed it? Ive read that all you really need is 500 mil on any plant in 1 gal soil which is what my plants are in.

Thank you in advance


Well-Known Member
i have no idea because i water by feel and plant response..under flouros winds up being anywhere from once a week to once every 3 days under a hps it can be every other day to about every four days...also depends on medium. water until you have run off then wait a few days until your dirt seems to have dried quite a bit..make a finger hole and see that its dry for the first inch or two ish, you will get the feel for it. part of your problem is definitely pot size. a one gallon is much too small for a two-3 foot plant...i would repot into 5 gallons (and in the future go straight to a 3 or 5 after the seedling cup because a repot now is going to be a pain in the ass) then water with an all around nute regimen including micros and do this at full strength! these nutes plus whats in the added dirt plus the new root room and fresh soil will pull you out of the funk so long as environment in the room is good!


Thank you Kermit you've been a lot of help. I've gotten my watering down now. In a perfect environment 72degrees/50 humidity room it takes about a day to a day in a half for the soil to dry up. Once I added the full strength nutes with calmag and ironmite my deficiencies have disappeared and been getting green dark shiny leaves =) I put my 2 1/2 foot plant in a 3 gal bucket ill replant into a 5 gal once all the roots have developed in it so it makes it much easier to replant it.


Active Member
So quick question my plant is turning yellow and brownish from the bottom headed up,, I thought nute burn but im using barely anything,,, its 6 weeks, 11 inch and in a one gallon pot,, is it root bound maybe, or maybe nitrogen deff. Please help,,, another thing I plan on flowering when both my plants reach a ft,, only have 4ft height space, hoping for 2.5 3ft plants


Well-Known Member
thread jacker!!!! lol....cant tell your def without a pic...but still if you know it isnt likely nute burn then this same thing will fix it.. repot, make sure its into good soil and into the final container 3or 5 gallon..feed with a full all around nute regimen on full strength once a week starting with when you repot it and as long as everything else in the room is good your def will be resolved..i would wait for at least an 18 inch plant and then you may get to 3ft at the most..if you go a bit over you can just do some more lst and make it through your flowering cycle with the perfect amount of room will yield much more off of just that extra 6 inches you allowed it to grow.


Well-Known Member
make sure your using distilled or water that has sat out for a couple days and make sure to water at proper intervals always double check your lights are turning on and off at the proper times and alter your feeding schedule based on your leaf tips (you want to see the sliiiiiiiightest burn on your tips this is like the plant saying im getting juuust the most food i can take in) be checking the temp and humidity daily....if this is all done and your soil is good, you keep an indirect fan on em, and you just keep to the get good results!


Well-Known Member
that helps keep the air fresh and not stagnant and helps build strength, you get good thick knuckles! ....just stay your course then and do what you choose of what i suggested (though id do all of it lol) and you should recover..