Dead Leaves?


Active Member
my plant's are about 3 feet tall. But at the very bottom and up about 6 inches the leaves are starting to turn yellow and dry out. Should i cut them off since they are about to fall off anyways?


Active Member
It's probably because they aren't getting enough light all the way down there.

Pretty sure the rule is that if you can pick it off with ease, as in the plant doesn't move when you're pulling it off, it should just pop right off if it's ready to come off. If it's stuck on there pretty good then I would get rid of it unless it's obviously just COMPLETELY done, then don't be dumb.. Just my rule of thumb.


Active Member
thanks a lot for the help! since they are getting enough light down there because its getting kind of crowded in the grow box, can i tie some branches down a bit so more light hits the bottom?


Active Member
Yeah, you can do that. Once your plant gets a certain height though you'll have to keep the light away from the top and it just might not be strong enough to reach down that far. You can try to tie them down a different way, I'm not much of a LSTer, it could work though. Depending on how far gone they are though the leaves you are seeing die may not come back.


Active Member
Well its just at the very bottom. the tops are starting to get to close to the light and i cant really move it up to far anymore. and in bud they r still growing. tie it down with dental floss alright?


Active Member
I wouldn't use that, too thin. You don't want it to cut the circulation off/cut into the plant.

I'm not a big LSTer like I said but search around there are a lot of topics on here about it. The big problem for most people when growing indoors is space, I don't really have that problem so I just let mine grow pretty damn tall. Yeah I'd say that if they are at the very bottom and are dying off it's because they aren't getting sufficient light, just pick them if they come off easy, if not then leave them, they will die eventually and then you can pick them off. If it's really bugging you, you can get rid of them, I just prefer not to unless I can barely pluck them right off.


Active Member
my plant's are about 3 feet tall. But at the very bottom and up about 6 inches the leaves are starting to turn yellow and dry out. Should i cut them off since they are about to fall off anyways?

Well, I tend to go back and forth on this one. I think the ripping up any part of a plant might open up the plant to diseases and pests.

Now, if the leaves are falling off, then allow them to do it. But I wouldn't yank them necessarily.

The truth is that yes, the leaves are falling out because the plant doesn't need to support them anymore. The plant wants to support the leaves that are bigger and stronger.

good luck!
ok heres my take from sperience cutting or removing any leaves during the life cycle is going to stress the plant in some way or another, but there are those leaves that do die and are ready to fall off, just gently pull down on the dying leaves if they separate from the stock very easily then they are fine to remove but if they do not come off during the pull test leave them, at worse clip the brow/yellow/crisp part off and let it heal. also note that it will grow just fine if you remove them but personally wouldn't recommend it,regardless all trimming and clipping should be done 2 weeks or more before flower