DC Shooter and Obama Care?


Well-Known Member
While I can not confirm or deny this story told to me a day ago… if it is true, you heard it from me first…

The DC Shooter, was a contractor… and my friend that works at the ship yard told me that they are looking at his computer, and it is anti Obama care… He was a self employed mad at the world, with no insurance forced to buy a product he didn’t want but really needed for his ‘mental’ state…the people that were shot, were all “Full time” employees taking a break, at a known BS’n spot for full timers… the atrium…

So friend at ship yard, said “The story about Obama care and the DC shooter, would never see the light of day“................................................................................… I think life’s so fun… I don’t believe a word of it… however, it is interesting…


New Member
While I can not confirm or deny this story told to me a day ago… if it is true, you heard it from me first…

The DC Shooter, was a contractor… and my friend that works at the ship yard told me that they are looking at his computer, and it is anti Obama care… He was a self employed mad at the world, with no insurance forced to buy a product he didn’t want but really needed for his ‘mental’ state…the people that were shot, were all “Full time” employees taking a break, at a known BS’n spot for full timers… the atrium…

So friend at ship yard, said “The story about Obama care and the DC shooter, would never see the light of day“................................................................................… I think life’s so fun… I don’t believe a word of it… however, it is interesting…

you just described 90 % of the people in my state:-P

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
He got VA coverage and was on disability. The more republican chain emails I see the more convinced this is where we are headed as a species:


Well-Known Member
Call me crazy if you want but...

It's most likely just another goberment false flag to strip us of what little rights we have left


Well-Known Member
Call me crazy if you want but...

It's most likely just another goberment false flag to strip us of what little rights we have left
20 dead kindergarteners and 95% public support wasn't enough to get background checks, what makes you think 12 dead old people is gonna lead to anything?


Well-Known Member
20 dead kindergarteners and 95% public support wasn't enough to get background checks, what makes you think 12 dead old people is gonna lead to anything?


95% public support ??? Thats a new one on me

Besides we still have the Second amendment - Yes it's ben trampled but it still stands as the ultimate rule of the land no matter what the fed's/states say

It has already leading towards alot , Bolth officaly and unofficaly . First it shapes public opinion , second they are re-evaluteing the security on all military bases , How would ever think of a US military base as a soft target


Well-Known Member
95% public support ??? Thats a new one on me
consistent 90-95% support for background checks across all polls.

Besides we still have the Second amendment - Yes it's ben trampled but it still stands as the ultimate rule of the land no matter what the fed's/states say
the SCOTUS has already ruled that background checks are fully constitutional and that the second amendment is not absolute.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes the polls that survey less than 0.5 % of the population , and are nearly always given by a organzation with something to win/loss

The scotus are a bunch of treasonous bastards

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,
the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Theirs nothing in their about limitations


Active Member
Isn't anyone else glad to see equal opportunity in the mass shooting profession? Just kidding. Seriously though, the idea that someone would go on a homicidal rampage from being forced to buy insurance is absurd. Nothing against the OP or the OP's reliable source.


Well-Known Member
Ah yes the polls that survey less than 0.5 % of the population , and are nearly always given by a organzation with something to win/loss
the same polls that put support for background checks at 90-95% also predicted the election results perfectly in every state.


The scotus are a bunch of treasonous bastards

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state,
********the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

Theirs nothing in their about limitations
read up on heller, there are a shitload of constitutional limitations, becky.


Well-Known Member
While I can not confirm or deny this story told to me a day ago… if it is true, you heard it from me first…

The DC Shooter, was a contractor… and my friend that works at the ship yard told me that they are looking at his computer, and it is anti Obama care… He was a self employed mad at the world, with no insurance forced to buy a product he didn’t want but really needed for his ‘mental’ state…the people that were shot, were all “Full time” employees taking a break, at a known BS’n spot for full timers… the atrium…

So friend at ship yard, said “The story about Obama care and the DC shooter, would never see the light of day“................................................................................… I think life’s so fun… I don’t believe a word of it… however, it is interesting…
he should have chose the 95$ option.


Well-Known Member
If the VA was his only health care no wonder the guy flipped. I've got a friend that came back from his 5th tour, in Afghanistan, missing part of his right leg. Blown off by an IED. They medically retired him, and encouraged him to see VA mental health care people. He called an got an appointment (the soonest one was 5 months later). He waited, and made his appointment, he saw the shrink for 25 minutes, was given some pills and sent on his way.

His next appointment was scheduled for 4 months later, and there was a mention of attending a group twice a month. Wow two appointments in 9 months, for a guy who lived a total of 40 months under constant threat, had his leg blown off, and was forceably retired from a job he was proud to do. I wonder how just an average Vet gets treated, who seeks mental health care.

What the this shooter did was absolutely wrong, it was mass murder. I wonder if the VA would have seen, and helped this guy, would 13 people still be alive. I also wonder if DC didn't have such restrictive gun laws, would one or two people there have been armed, and been able to cap his ass before a dozen fell dead.

Guns don't kill people, people kill people, I'm all about bearing arms so we're not at the mercy of criminals and mad men. If you disagree, save your breath, there's no changing my mind as to the right to bear arms, and what it can do for us, as a society. The victims of these mass murders, are always hit in " Gun Free " zones, like shooting fish in a barrel. Sad isn't it.