Day 7 of Flower - expecting more?


2 plants. Nirvana Ice. soil, using Botanicare Nutes every other watering. Just transitioned to full flower nutes yesterday after the stepdown of veg nutes. 1 250w HPS.

These are pics from day 7 of flowering. I guess I was expecting a bit more development. The pistils are clearly showing throughout both plants. Not sure if Ice flowers a bit slower.




Well-Known Member
Many strains don't start throwing out pistils until after a week (or two) into 12/12. The initial part of flowering just consists of the plant growing faster than usual (aka stretching).


Active Member
how long did you veg your girls for cos I thought the same with my ladies then all of a sudden they started going and within 2weeks I've got some really nice bud sites just be patient and you will be rewarded


Well-Known Member
they need some time to adjust to the change in nutrients/light/humidity etc.. in essence, all of the changes the plant goes through when transitioning from veg to flower. depending on how ideal all conditions are, i'd expect the serious budding beginning to happen 3 or 4 weeks in.
echo mike >> the longer you wait the better the reward.


Active Member
You will find that during the stretching period that she will doulbe or even triple in size so this is normal