Day 7 of Cure need a Little Input please


Well-Known Member
I let my plants hang dry for about 4 days the buds were crisp and the stems bent when i put them in the jars. while they were hanging and the first couple days in jars they had my room lit up. I would burp the jars spreading them on news paper also couple times a day til they were a little dry then back in jars. started to notice that plant smell that people say is bad to have couple days into Now the buds are pretty dry feel ready tryd a blunt there was no harsh taste it burned smooth no crackle and pops but the buds have no smell at all now.

I just want to know have I screwed up or Just keep on curing in my kool dark place for weeks will the smell and taste come????????????????

This is my first Complete Grow.


bud bootlegger
yes.. i find that the smell usually takes a good 18 days or longer to really come out in freshly cured buds.. any sooner and you won't get peak stink, and any longer is only better...


Well-Known Member
Sound like you should be fine man, if they are already completely dry you may be able to stop burping the jars so much, check them every couple days for mold though. In my experience it takes about 2 weeks for the stink to start to come back, the smoke just gets better every day after that. Patience grasshopper, patience. Good luck bro!


Well-Known Member
Racerboy and I agree. I use hygrometers in my curing jars so I can see when I need to burp them. There comes a point where you will only burp once or twice a week. I find that after about 3 weeks, the pungently sweet aroma of the MJ comes back.


Well-Known Member
Thank U all Yo words have made my day!!! Since there all dry feeling can I put in one Big Jar or keep in little jars. I had 6 jars with about 2 oz's in each was wondering if I can fill my big jar and store???


Well-Known Member
Not yet.... Leave in smaller jars.... if mold breaks out, you won't lose it all....

It is too soon to store. You need to make sure that the RH in the jar is between 55%-60% before you store it. Even then, anything past 55 will require burping every so often. I'd place them all in one big jar after about 3 weeks of curing in the smaller jars.


Well-Known Member
How big is your fuckin jar that is gonna hold 12 oz? sounds like a 5 gallon bucket to me. I always say to each there own but I like to keep them in regular jars, helps to test them as they cure, you can try your 2 week bud, your 3 week bud, and so on, helps you learn a little on how the buds cure. Again, to each there own though, I dont think anyone has a set blueprint that absolutely has to be followed, play around and learn thats what were here for anyway.


Well-Known Member
How big is your fuckin jar that is gonna hold 12 oz? sounds like a 5 gallon bucket to me. I always say to each there own but I like to keep them in regular jars, helps to test them as they cure, you can try your 2 week bud, your 3 week bud, and so on, helps you learn a little on how the buds cure. Again, to each there own though, I dont think anyone has a set blueprint that absolutely has to be followed, play around and learn thats what were here for anyway.
And then there are some people who are here because they want to learn from the mistakes of others, so they come here to read. Not everyone is willing to 'play around' with plants that they have invested a lot of time and effort into. The man asked a legit question. If we are all here to play around and learn from our own mistakes, why are you here?


Well-Known Member
I get what both of you are saying thank you very much I really appreciate it. I really don't wont to play around with anything it took me 48 hours to trim these fuckers I want sum top notch Shit for all the work I put in. I veggd my 5 bubba kush for 3 months they were a little over 50 in and It was a pain I was not ready for


Well-Known Member
I let my plants hang dry for about 4 days the buds were crisp and the stems bent when i put them in the jars. while they were hanging and the first couple days in jars they had my room lit up. I would burp the jars spreading them on news paper also couple times a day til they were a little dry then back in jars. started to notice that plant smell that people say is bad to have couple days into Now the buds are pretty dry feel ready tryd a blunt there was no harsh taste it burned smooth no crackle and pops but the buds have no smell at all now.

I just want to know have I screwed up or Just keep on curing in my kool dark place for weeks will the smell and taste come????????????????

This is my first Complete Grow.
Yeah dude the smell should come back, trust me after a few weeks if you put some in a plastic baggie it will stink . If you think its too dry you can always put a piece of lettuce or parsley in there overnight or for a few hours until they are moist as you desire, then just make sure to burp every day for 30 min - 1 hour ( big pain in the ass un screwing and screwing the lids back on, but not as bad as trimming)


Well-Known Member

today I checked the jars the buds don't seem to be getting any dryer and still no smell Im going to keep waiting people


Well-Known Member

today I checked the jars the buds don't seem to be getting any dryer and still no smell Im going to keep waiting people

Dude give up on "looking for that smell" I pull a nug every day from my jars of White Russian that have been curing over a month or so and the jars dont have that "skunk/danky" smell. Anytime I break up the bud it stinks like Chronic or anytime you put some in a zip lock bag it stinks like chronic but in the jars it seems to have more of that natural earthy smell. Try it put about a quarter in a baggie and see for yourself leave the room for 15 minutes come back and it will reek of chronic.


Well-Known Member
Not all strains have a a killer smell. Are you growing this from a reputable clone or from seed? If from seed, the genetics could be the cause of the lackluster smell. I've been growing TGA/Subcool seeds for a while now and they never get that grassy smell. Those buds reek like fruit from day one of curing. I've also grown some Nirvana strains that just didn't smell or smoke that great. That's why people select great plants and clone them. It could just be your genetics.


Well-Known Member
What is the RH inside the jars? You may want to stick a freshly plucked marijuana leaf into a jar. (only one, trust me) The terpinoids (oils that cause the aroma) do return, as long as you have not dried out the center of the buds already. That is why it is important to use a hygrometer. You can't just follow a schedule, because all variables are different for everyone, manicured or not, thick or airy, local humidity, and the list goes on and on. With a hygrometer, you burp long times to get below 70%, then you can start short burping it down to 65-62%. Once you hit 59%, you can store the jars and just burp once every couple of weeks.

The smell does come back, as the terpinoids are released.