Day 45 Flower: Necrosis on fan leaves - Boron Def or Manganese Tox?

@weedstoner420 I think you win the gold metal. I went down there to check on your hypothesis and found this. This leave was recently tucked under and you can see the abrasions on the leaf where it was resting against the scrog.

Of course, there could be a lot at play here. I'm glad that everyone chimed in - I probably would have overfed these to the point of gluttony lol That and I am going to adjust my watering schedule.

Thanks for the help everyone!!!

Yup I had a very similar looking plant on my last grow - a bunch of leaves with marks like that were right near the fan, getting cut up by other leaf tips/edges! I was also working with low humidity and kinda dry-textured leaves like you describe. I figured a deficiency the symptoms would be showing up more evenly across the whole plant, vs a leaf or two here and there...