day 44. rockwool, 7-10 week strain. flush?


Well-Known Member
I am on day 44 of marijauna seeds nl northern lights. Mostly indica 7-10 week strain.

i am growing in 4 in rockwool and minin cubes in 5.25 in square pots.

i used gh 3 part, hydroguard, bloombastic, and kool bloom. I ran heavy nutes.

ebb and flo. 400 hps.

should I flush. A 2 week flush. I have flushed one day. i feel bad, like I should feed some mre like one week.

should I keep flushing, this is my forst time getting a crop to flush. Cant wait.

lots of red hairs. lots of trichs. trich scope comes 2 morow i hope.