Day 42 veg. organic like 6 inches or so tall?

title explains it, basically i am wondering if it is on the right track, it seems very slow to me, they were in cups for probably the first 4 weeks, and they are under a 400w MH, i've had humidity problems the first 3 weeks but now its high sixties and temp is low 70s now. i have them all transplanted into 2 gallon bags, and i have a few in the corner that are turning yellow on the bottom leaves and curling upwards, i'm not sure if it is because of the heat or humidity because all others seem to be doing fine. right now i'm using 20-20-20 feed, its my first time so any help is well appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Willy -- Cut your lost time and scrap those statues. They were stunted from the start. I put just germinated seedlings into a 16 ounce cup of dirt
and within a week they are in 3 gallon pots. Your poor plants were rootbound after a week or so in the cups and they do not recover from that. They may continue
to mature but you are looking at a terrible yield and too much time wasted. Do your homework first Willie. You just wasted 6 weeks.



Well-Known Member
you didnt waste 6 weeks. You kept them in a cup a bit too long is all. week 2 or 3 you should of moved them up to 1 gallon containers. Rootbound is a myth, you could do a grow all the way in the dixie cup if you wanted, the plant will just not get as big.
hell yeah, idk they seem to be healthy but out of all of them they eventually gotta get big, im just trying to get a mother haze plant lol =)
o yeah and im flowering with a 400 mh.. i have 2 1000w hps im saving for flower, next time will be different, im gonna have two seperate tents with a hydro table and do it the right way and have a mother under the 400 lol, this is basically trial run lol


Active Member
doesnt seem like they are growing, i had one do that and i put it outside and it took off. might be a problem with the roots too maybe try repotting is light airy soil with little bit of water. ^^