Day 36 Can anyone tell yet if this is a male or female?


Went to go say good morning to my plant this morning, and I noticed these ball like things near the top. Im not sure if these are balls or what? I'm hoping they aren't, but I really have no clue what I am doing. Tried growing when I was much younger, and never had any luck, so I decided to give it another shot seeing I have been spending to much coin on happy. This plant is 36 days old give or take a day. I have 3 other small ones growing in the same box, 2 of which are feminized seeds, and one unknown. I read that it is bad to have a male in among-est the females as it can mess with their sex? Can anyone identify the sex of this plant yet? or still too early? Like I said, I have no clue what I am doing, and would love to learn the ropes. Any info would be greatly appreciated. DCP_0047.jpgDCP_0048 (1).jpg


I kinda thought they looked like em too... my sis has my good digi camera, will try to take a closer shot. Gosh I hope its not a male, I've been talking to this plant and calling it "her" for over a month now. Thanks for the reply


This Camera truly does suck, it has a macro setting, but the camera will not focus...Maybe my Hi-def webcam would have taken a better picture...might try that..anywho here are 2 clearer pics I think...HPIM1979.jpgHPIM1983.jpgHPIM1985.jpg


Ok, the webcam is much clearer. I should have tried that first... here are some clearer pictures 2012-04-14 13-05-30.473.jpg2012-04-14 13-07-52.706.jpg


silly question... if I grow the male separately would the seeds that it produces be any good? was thinking about just taking it back to the swamp and letting it grow out anyways


Weed Modifier
males don't produce seeds...they produce pollen to fertilize the females which will produce seed if they get pollinated.


Thanks a lot man .... shows just how little I know... all your feedback is greatly appreciated! This is one hobby that I can see myself really getting into, feels pretty good growing, and maybe someday it will save me some coin.


Weed Modifier
Thanks a lot man .... shows just how little I know... all your feedback is greatly appreciated! This is one hobby that I can see myself really getting into, feels pretty good growing, and maybe someday it will save me some coin.
its ok ......thats why your here to find out .....its a process, learn as you go sorta thing...and as long as your enjoying what your doing ,thats all that matters ;)