Day 35 flowering blue first grow indoors whatcha think?


Well-Known Member
well for starters where do the kids play while the plants are out in the play room... looks a lil leggy, might want to take pics elsewhere instead of in the kids room, looks like your growing in the kids room..


Active Member
I doubt you grow where the kids play, but if so than that is your choice lol.

Looking good so far, I have some blue dream that I am doing in soil and they are going great.

Keep up the good work!
first its in my dining room but i hve 3 kids so theres toys everywhere thanks for makin more observation bout where i took pic rather than the pics their selves that i asked ur opinion of..and only comment you got is a lil leggy thanks for ur veteran opinion


Well-Known Member
Yeah that plant looks good and frosty. It does have a funny structure to it from what I can see. Not the clearest pics in the world, but you can get the gist of the situation. Anyways best of luck!


Well-Known Member
Looks frosty as hell, don't worry about the hate its human nature. I would say you could lst them next time to keep them alittle more in check ..train them with tie downs. Loots great hps ? CFL? Hps for flowering even the low watt versions like 250 w/e will lengthen up that structure and keep the mini nugs in check. Thumbs up


Well-Known Member
Good color in the leaves and the buds are frosty. But as everyone else stated the internodes are quite stretched. They look like they will need some support in the later stages of flowering. Keep up the good work.


Your plants look healthy! as far as the way they are growing all strectched out like that will be fixed with practice from you! Now I have questions for you. What is your set up my man?? are you using hps? what nutes are you using?? whats your ppm at?? do you change the water every week? or every other week?? what do the roots look like?? also you are probably like me with the pictures you took... when you try to take pictures while the plants are in the "grow room" you get the funny lines from the fans/lights so I do the same shit and pull the plants out of the room for pictures. :bigjoint: