Day 28 Flowering Pics (Ak47, Trainwreck)


Well-Known Member
So I made a little home depot trip not even for this project but I always find myself buying CFL's every trip!

The buds have really taken off this week since upping the tiger bloom and one plant had a couple little nute burns but still is showing some nice buds. I'm flushing right now with 6.2 PH water and a little corn syrup and will start back on some tiger bloom in a day or 2. The 2 trainwreck plants are looking the best but the AK47 is right behind as it is a later flower. The strawberry Cough is showing some nice little flowers and will turn out to be some nice bud for a FREE plant. Also I dropped 2 lights down into my canopy to increase bud size (Props for the Tip!) and had to tie some the buds up because they are getting too heavy

I added some predatory nematodes in the soil to help control my gnat problem which isn't too bad at the moment as the still are only in the soil.

19 CFL's Currently 13 are 2700k and 6 are 6500k with 4 - 4ft Fluoros too.




Well-Known Member
dude where are the fan leaves? is that stretching? why so airy, i know TW grows lanky but the ak should be nice and full....imagine what you could accomplish with a 400 watter...imagine 2 600's in there


Well-Known Member
Trust me I'm not full time CFL grower and I would put a 600 in there because I have one sitting in my garage but this room isn't vented well and I don't wanna go cutting up the wall for what started out as a high project lol I know my lights , this was just a home depot project to see what I could get from bagseed and a clone to get some clippings. The ak47 is extremely dense and it was topped. All the plants were topped and lolipoped up to about 1/3 heigth.