Day 22 update bagseed small hps soil tray grow


Well-Known Member
Alright it's day 22 now and they're looking great, still recovering from some pretty major heat stress due to my incompetence but it hasn't really stunted them any. I'm gonna take some clones off the bigger ones soon, and I started training them a little to maximize light and even out the canopy.

So tell me what you think.



Well-Known Member
your growing them in one container>

they llok great but the roots are gonna rap around each other and the soil dont look deep at al your gonna run into alot of problems


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
These pictures are from day 23, the earlier ones are from day 21 and the plants are still recovering but growing like mad. I'm going to cut clones and place em in water in two days then remove the males after they sex, then take a bunch of cuttings from one plant and start a mother plant, kill some more and hopefully end up with only two females to finish in a ScroG, some clones to start in bubbleponics and a mother.

They haven't been given any nutes yet.

