Day 13 - Seedlings not Growing Much


Active Member
It's day 13 since my germinated seeds popped through the soil. From what I have seen from others' pics, mine are very small. For example, the round leaves that are supposed to fall off are still attached. I have them under a 2' 8 bulb T5 HO fluorescent fixture about 3" away (16,000 luments). The temps are in the 70s and humidity is 60%. I may have overwatered initially and used miracle grow seedling starting, though since then I have switched the soil and moved to every 2-3 days watering. I use distilled water.

A few have already died. My best seedling is only 1" tall. There are 4 "true" leaves so far with four beginning to just peak out. Unfortunately, the two largest leaves are curling down. Lighting is 24/0.

Should I be concerned? Is there hope that these will eventually come around?