*** Dank new 400w organic soil grow!!! ***

Just started my new closet grow tent setup a few days ago and decided to post some pics and start this journal.:weed:

Current strains:
-Afgooey (Afghani #1 x Maui Haze)
-Blueberry (Purple Thai x Afghan)
-BC Kush (Afghan x Grapefruit) - not pictured (yet)
-Blue Dream (Blueberry x Haze)
-Jedi Deathstar (Jedi Kush x Deathstar) - not much info on this strain so genetics may not be 100% correct.
-Sweet Kush (Sweet Tooth x OG Kush)

All these were obtained from clones from local caregivers. Pest, mold and disease free of course.
They are all in 2 gal buckets with organic soil mix.

All grown with organic soil mix and FoxFarm nutes.

These were started under 2x 65watt CFLs for 1 week. Now they are under 400w MH.
During the week they were under the CFLs the temp was about 76-78 depending on the outside weather a bit.
But now they are under the 400w MH it is sitting around 80-82, even with a intake fan and a oscillating fan.

Anyone have an idea of how to lower the temp to at least below 80? I am getting another fan in a few days to blow over the top of the light for outtake. Currently in the process of waiting for it to snow because then the heat would go away for sure. But still have somewhat of a heat issue for now unfortunately.



Well-Known Member
Your temps are okay at 80oF/ 26oC imo, but you're right to keep such an eye on them at this early stage.
I run my flowering tent through the night, helps keep things cooler in the grow, and warmer around my house...
Good start with a decent set up!
The Afgooey has interesting interesting parents...


Active Member
Awesome setup dude. What are your soil amendments are you giving them tea? How about the square footage of the room? I am just interested I have a similar setup and I am looking for some ideas with organics.


Well-Known Member
^^^^Yeh, what Gonenowhere said.^^^^^

I'm in the process of moving to organic myself...
Yeah the afgooey does have some interesting genetics, but it's definitely dank none the less.

Right now they are getting FoxFarm Grow Big and are going to be getting the BigBloom micro nutrient and use that for the whole grow. Then planning on giving them the organic TigerBloom + BigBloom for flowering. I personally haven't dealt much with making teas but I haven't decided if they will get like a good bat guano tea for flowering too.

The room is about a 4ft x 8ft(L) x 10ft(H) with the plastic wall that was made, it's just taped to the floor so it's pretty tight. Then lined on the inside with a emergency blanket for the mylar. That way its reflective on all 4 sides and allows for more air circulation.
Yeah the teas seem to be pretty good as more nutes for organics. But now still have somewhat of a heat issue even with the intake fan, the oscillating fan and another outtake fan. It's sitting around 85 deg now. Anyone got any ideas how to lower this temp at all? We tried using frozen water bottles in front of the intake and other stuff and it's not lowering it enough :(


Well-Known Member
You are pulling more air out than you're pulling in? I'm not even sure if the intake fan is needed...a passive intake may do...


Active Member
The two ways I lower my temps. I use an air cooled hood and get cooler in-take air by running the light cycle mostly during night time hrs. My lights are always off during the hot afternoon and early evening hrs.


Well-Known Member
Air cooled reflectors made the most difference in my tent as well.
I just about max out at 85F/29oC. during a hotter spell here,even with the lights on at night, but I don't think that's panic stations...just could be better (Oo! Sounds like an olde school report! ;))
Just got some new pics after doing some work in the tent so I decided to update.

Recently invested in a 12,000 BTU window AC unit that is doing work and keeping the temp inside at 75-77 and about 25-35% humidity.

All the clones are doing very well and seem to enjoy our nute mix. We also decided to top the Blueberry and the Jedi Deathstar because the smaller clones need to catch up. The Blueberry now has 3 tops on top and the branches right under that node will come up for a nice bush for the SOG.
We also topped one of the Sweet Kush tops, it came topped when I got it which was very legit, because it was taller then the other top.
Looking pretty good for 2 weeks veg.
400w MH setup-3.jpg400w MH setup-4.jpgAfgooey-2.jpgBC Kush.jpgBlueberry-2.jpgBlueberry tops.jpgBlue Dream-2.jpgSweet Kush-2.jpg

adam soza

Active Member
Having similar issues with temperature probs because it's running too high. I have 2 week old plants from seed under a 600w MH and run the lighting at night to prevent overheating as well. The temp sits around 80-85 unless I put on the AC. I am cooling the light using a 6in vortex and I bring in new air with a 4in inline fan. Humidity is fine. I guess I will have to keep running the AC unless it gets colder outside. I have 2 tents one for veg. and one for flower. I will be looking forward to seeing how this grow pans out. Keep up the good work. It seems like you have a nice selection of strains going.
Yeah the heat issue was definitely very unlegit, but the window AC unit obtained from craigslist is doing wonders for keeping our temp around 75 with ~30% humidity for veg.
Had to top the 3 fattest clones so the other smaller ones could catch up. But it should fill up the SOG pretty nice so thats def a plus.
Hoping theses are all good and set in about 2 weeks to bud then so I get some super dank frosty trees for christmas time.
Just entered our week 3 of veg. So far looking super dank.
Recently finished topping all the clones, so they should come in nice and bushy.
The Blueberry tops are getting pretty ridiculous with 3 main tops coming in + the lower branches.
Temp inside is still around 74-78 deg F range with ~34% humidity. The BC Kush is definitely loving being topped right now (pics were taken few days ago) and it's coming in super branchy. Same with the Afgooey and the Blue Dream, surprisingly for a good sativa. Hopefully I can get some better pics of more established tops here next week.
400w MH setup-5.jpg400w MH setup-6.jpg400w MH setup-7.jpg400w MH setup-8.jpgAfgooey-3.jpgBC Kush-2.jpgBlueberry-3.jpgBlueberry-4.jpgSweet Kush-2.jpgBlue Dream-3.jpg400w MH setup-week 3.jpg


Well-Known Member
Just to let u all know fox farms big grow and the tiger blooms arnt even close to organic they. Are synthetic all the way


Well-Known Member
Just in case you didn't know, but "organic" nutrients are completely irrelevant to growing quality cannabis for many reasons. First, in order to get the 17 essential macro, micro, and secondary nutrients you have to buy their whole product line, which is expensive. I'm looking at their nutrient line and all I see is funky labels and logos with ridiculous NPK ratios. Of course the hydro shop will want you to go with this lineup... one bottle of 0-3-0, one of 0-10-0, 3-7-3.. This is ridiculous. This is a prime example of companies marketing to the cannabis crowd with inferior and overpriced products.

Second, but most importantly: Plants cannot distinguish between synthetic or organic nutrients... in other words, it does not make a difference. As long as the plant is receiving the essential nutrients it needs then it will be healthy. Using non-organic nutrients will not have an affect on your bud. I mean, even when it comes to flushing, I hear people talk about it - it's a complete bullshit. You don't see farmers flushing their corn, soybeans, and sunflowers do you? Or gardeners flushing their cucumbers and tomatoes? No.

(not saying you do this) But over the years I have seen some people running their PPM's @ 1,400-2,000+, which to me is extremely high. Feeding and over saturating a plant with nutrients like that dramatically increases your odds of having "shitty tasting weed". In many cases that grower would blame their nutrients, when they are actually running their nutrients at double doses. Many times the fear of "shitty tasting weed" is the catalyst for them to "go organic".

Like I said man, don't fall into the trap of "going organic". Stick to quality products like Jacks an Dyna Gro which are loaded with trace elements and inexpensive, but more importantly, GOOD NPK ratios. Both these companies sell in large sizes and have been around for years. Of course the hydro store guy would rather have you spend 100-200 dollars on a wacky lineup "intended for cannabis" that's watered down that runs out faster, instead of spending $30.00 and having 'more of' and better nutrients that will last 10x longer because they are more concentrated.

Just my 2 cents,


EDIT: just saw this on reddit and felt it was relevant. Titled:

My buddy sells firewood; he took half of it and labeled it as "organic" and managed to sell it at a 50% price increase. What vacuous marketing gimmick has worked for you?