Dana Larson arrested in Calgary for giving away seeds.


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in Harper's riding to boot!
Pot Activist Dana Larsen Arrested In Calgary For Giving Away Marijuana Seeds
By Jeremiah Vandermeer on April 6, 2016

CANNABIS CULTURE – Marijuana activist Dana Larsen was arrested in Calgary today during the second stop of his Overgrow Canada tour, a cross-country mission to give out a million free cannabis seeds to encourage growing as a form of civil disobedience.

Larsen and another person were taken into custody by Calgary Police and Larsen’s van was raided and seized.

“We’re going to give away more seeds. This is peaceful transparent civil disobedience. We’re going to make change together and we’re not going to let police or anyone else stop what we’re doing. I appreciate your support. Overgrow Canada,” Larsen said to supporters just before being put in a police car.

The move by police angered hundreds of supporters who had come to see Larsen speak about marijuana legalization.

Onlookers chanted “shame” as police took Larsen into custody.

Larsen has promised to give away over a million marijuana seeds as part of his Overgrow Canada campaign, and the idea seems to be catching on. He’s already packaged and shipped thousands of seeds as orders continue to flood in. Over 250 people showed up for the first stop of the tour in Kelowna.

Last week Larsen launched another campaign featuring an outdoor billboard, just minutes from Parliament Hill in Ottawa, that calls for Trudeau to immediately stop marijuana arrests.

The sign also promotes LegalizePetition.ca, an official e-petition supported by Green Party MP Elizabeth May.

“Over 25,000 marijuana possession arrests under Trudeau so far,” the billboard reads. Make that 25,002.

Watch Global News coverage of the arrests:
Dana has been making a big splash lately, I'm sure he will continue but so will the cops.

Good luck Dana
I'm sure this was in the plan...great publicity. He publicly sent buds to every MP, some reported it to the cops...but nothing happened, and they bust him for SEEDS? When is the last time a Canadian got charged for possessing seeds in Canada? Every cannabis user in Alberta should be writing their politicians...and Calgarians should occupy the mayors office. Stupidity like this will only speed up legalization. Two weeks from today there will be 420 protests from one end of the country to the other with people openly smoking and sharing, but the cops think the taxpayer has an interest in prosecuting a protester for giving away seeds?
what's the charge?
are seeds illegal in canada? i didn't think they were. (like US, not illegal until you pop them)
now i can see some sort of arrest for profiting off them maybe, but giving them away?

*NM, read the cbc report:
"Under the Canadian Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, it is illegal to distribute marijuana in any form regardless of whether payment is provided,"
Viable cannabis seeds are illegal in Canada. It's in the criminal code and the controled drug and substance act.

if seeds are illegal, how come they haven't busted the seed banks?
Vancouver Seed Bank has been here for years along with Emery's store.
why aren't the cops going to those places??
why didn't do anything to him for sending the buds to the MP's? he said he did it.
our Government has too many hats and doesn't know which hat to talk to.
i still laugh that in the Allard trial the person who designed/made up the MMPR said "I didn't know i had to be constitutional"...?? if someone from our Government says that, i know we're all in trouble
And also how the government was worried about the cost that mmar was costing them.... Then they turn around and spend X amount of millions to design the mmpr knowing full well it would fail it's right in justice Pelhans allard ruling. What joke
I just listened to an interview with Dana. The 'overgrow Canada' tour continues, but with seeds given out by mail only. Get this though, he was charged with possession and trafficking, but his bail conditions forbid him to be in possession of cannabis EXCEPT when he is working. He can sell bud,seeds,oils and edibles in a storefront, but they expect a conviction for giving away seeds?
On a side note, I went up to the dispensary in Campbell River today...it opened Saturday and got raided yesterday. They took bud and oils but left all the edibles...WTF?