Damn, this girl fell the fuck over

Too much dabs, can't handle the dabs...

DAAAAAMMM>......the dude is like wuuuuuuuu

LOL I almost did that at the LA Cannabis Cup. I took a dab off @Metasynth I sat very still, thankfully old age and indiscriminate behavior trained me for that moment, I leaned over and said, "Meta would you mind if we left now PRIOR to me passing out"?

Who the fuck knows what he replied. I turned to the service dog and said, "Take me home." He got me right to the car and held me at the door. Hub took me to In N Out and put a cheese burger in my mouth I just sat there until he removed it. I was catatonic for the 1.5 hour drive home.

Ive never passed out, fell over or whatever... I have felt a nice tight pressure and a tingling...unable to open my eyes for a little bit . but those are gargantuan hits.