

Well-Known Member
does any1 know at what stage in flowering is it too late to take cuttings..

i usually wait till my plants are 2wks into flowering b4 i take my cuttings but just want to know if i can go beyond this.
ive had a great success rate (90%).
any info would be great.



Well-Known Member
No problem with re-vegging cut buds at all, takes a little longer, but it fits my cycle just fine. 90-95% hit rate. I haven't tried at full maturity week 5 is as late as I have gone.
I think it helps keep the height of the subsequent clone down.


Well-Known Member
i believe that the limit is supposed to be around 2weeks - otherwise the clones will have the start of female flowers on them and will have to be reverted to a period of vegetative growth.

it is commonly believed that it is best to take your cuttings from a mother in veg rather than flower - as you have more control over the plant.


Well-Known Member
thanx psyclone atleast i can relax for a little bit yet lol.
yeah i know wot u mean bout keeping the height dwn coz if you look at my journal you will see a huge bigbud afghani thats towering above the rest.

they were all took within a week of each other and after they rooted i couldnt believe the growth rate. was in 2 minds wether to add it to the g,rm but didnt want it going to waste.
cheerz for the help m8.


Well-Known Member
ive heard that aswell david and wasnt really sure coz u get a lot of ppl sayin different things. only thing i can do is hope alot of ppl leave advice and just go by the average.
will be taking cuttings in the next few days anyway so it should be ok..

will let you know the out come if i need to wait a little longer m8..
