Cuttings from Your Cuttings?


Active Member
Hey guys have a ? My buddy offered me some free cuttings since I do not have the extra power or space to be able to have a mother veg room. So I said sure for free sounds like a good deal. So I have been veggin them for about two weeks now and I am noticing some weird or abnormal growth they are healthy and strong but are not normal it's kinda hard to describe they have long stems to the leaf way stretched and every other branch will be super huge or way small very tiny. So I asked what is up with your cuttings is your mother stressed ? He said I don't have Any mothers he said he takes cuttings from his veg right before he triggers to flower. I have read and researched and know it is best to take cuttings from a mature lady at least two months old. Is this the reason I am having abnormal growth ? Any info or feed back appreciated thank you.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing he cut them about a week after he threw his plants into flower. If that is the case they will grow out of it. I've had no problems doing what he's doing.


Well-Known Member
Well I would normally think that your plant is at least two months old in veg before putting into flower. From what I know when you take a cutting from another that is another generation. However I had also heard that to many generations in and it can start to loose potency, but I could be wrong. In any case there should be nothing wrong with taking a cutting before flowering. It sound like to me that your light may be too far above your plants, that or you may not have enough light to begin with if you have a lot of space between nodes.


Active Member
I'm guessing he cut them about a week after he threw his plants into flower. If that is the case they will grow out of it. I've had no problems doing what he's doing.
Cool thanks guys I appreciate the quick response and feed back it makes me feel comfortable knowing that my time and energy will be a positive success and that it is not a issue. :)


Well-Known Member
No, it is not due to the clones if anything it's the distance from the lights. It applies to everything that duplicates based off an original will ALWAYS be subject to increasing degrees of chaos, and so would naturally turn out not so great, but that would be so many clones down the line that it doesn't even apply. People have kept cuttings going of certain plants spanning back millenia, and they wouldn't keep taking cuttings of those plants if they weren't very effective. In fact, corn is technically thanks to cloning.

I really don't think this is in the right thread though, although cloning may sound sci-fi it's pretty damn basic. Please in future put this in plant problems, or even the newbie thread-- no offense.