Cutting Trees down


Active Member
so in the location i plan to grow thee are many tall trees and trees that would take up space for the plants its by some houses but a safe distant what would you advise "?:-|:-?:roll::eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Just make sure the area doesnt attract attention. What kind of trees are we talking about here?


New Member
oh and remember people make sure you have a clear path for sun and moon from east to west for best growing conditions.


Active Member
man, cut trees are easy as hell to see from a helo. especially more than one, thats a pattern, and where there's a pattern there's a person behind it. i would say to only cut branches if you can. and an extra step would be to paint the cut marks over with paint matching that of the tree. oh and cutting a tree down, with a saw or axe is gonna make noise. alotta noise. and if there are houses near, you might wanna reconsider. but if their small bitch trees then no problemo.


Active Member
scrub trees can be thinned out easily with a hand saw... fairly quietly at that if you take your time....

if you have a big tree you want to kill drill holes in the trunk and scrape bark off... no need to chop it down if you don't really need to

personally i would look for spots that already have bushes and undergrowth... and then improve upon them... instead of trying to make an entire clearing in a mature forest