Cutting a plant with interchanging nodes?


Well-Known Member
My plant (below) grows with interchanging nodes. Can I cut it between a set of nodes to top it? Will it grow right, or just stop growing?

Also, if I cut my plant into 3 different 4" (It's 13" at the moment) pieces directly at the main stem, then put them in cloning solution and rockwool, will the separate sections grow roots?

What would happen if i cut my whole plant down at the stem and put it in cloning solution and then rockwool? The reason I ask is because I am trying to transplant my plants into a hydro system. Any help and advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

ps sorry for the crappy cell phone pics, don't have a camera



Just clip it above any node and you will be ok it's just going to grow 2 chutes from that node and i wouldn't chop up the main stem if you want to cut the entire plant down to clone and it's a full 13" plant you can probly get like ten clones mabe more just cut every actively growing chute that thing has off and clone them

if you want to stick it out a little longer top your plant in a few places and wait till it regenerates full stalks, for every chute you top it's going to make 2 more then you'll have more to clone


Well-Known Member
Just clip it above any node and you will be ok it's just going to grow 2 chutes from that node and i wouldn't chop up the main stem if you want to cut the entire plant down to clone and it's a full 13" plant you can probly get like ten clones mabe more just cut every actively growing chute that thing has off and clone them

if you want to stick it out a little longer top your plant in a few places and wait till it regenerates full stalks, for every chute you top it's going to make 2 more then you'll have more to clone
what part exactly is the chute?

my lil grow: