Customs Interception

Antidote Man

Well-Known Member
First time this has happened to me after like 75+ seed orders at least 20 overseas. These were coming from Satiros Seeds in Spain. We thought it was lost in the mail it had been so long and so he asked if I wanted to ship to a different address. I said no, ship to same address. Does this mean it will automatically happen again? And could I get into trouble with this? I was told there is no THC content in seeds and so they are safe to ship. Anyone with info that would like to share, please do..

It’s not because they are cannabis but because they are seeds. It is illegal to ship seeds into the country of any type. Shipping inside the country is ok to most states, Ca and Hi may be different, they were funny about that when I lived there.

Edit: I should add that seeds can be shipped from overseas, but must go through quarantine, inspection, whatever the process.
It’s not because they are cannabis but because they are seeds. It is illegal to ship seeds into the country of any type. Shipping inside the country is ok to most states, Ca and Hi may be different, they were funny about that when I lived there.

Edit: I should add that seeds can be shipped from overseas, but must go through quarantine, inspection, whatever the process.
The one thing i noticed in Hawaii's airport was the focus on agricultural items. They are careful to prevent invasive/non native species
The one thing i noticed in Hawaii's airport was the focus on agricultural items. They are careful to prevent invasive/non native species
They are actually more careful about agricultural items LEAVING Hawaii than entering. When I fly out of the state, I have to send my luggage through agriculture inspection....when I return home, they just give everyone a declaration form to fill out and no one ever looks at it. Its pretty backwards because our ecosystem in Hawaii is much more fragile than california.