Custom grow tents


Hey guys im starting my second grow. My first one was outside and my plants died after heavy rain fall xc so i want to go indoors. I need a grow tent for my closet but cant find any of the requirements i need 1'6"-2'-3'6"or 4'. Ive thought of building one but dont gave the time or reasorces to do so, so please tell me if there are ANY places i can order my custom set up.


Well-Known Member
So what.......r you looking for someone to custom make a tent to your'll be here a while mate.........


No i want to know if theres any companies any one knows of that i can put in a order to.
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Well-Known Member
YEA PLENTY.........EBAY has all the best deals.'..not second hand(NEVER EVER BUY A SECOND HAND TENT)their usually full of probs......but yea I'm sure one of the hundreds of hydro shops on eBay will have something to suit your needs

Mr green


Would 2x4 be better nd cheaper then pvc? Where can i get panda film? I found a great grow tent but sooner or later ill need more room nd id like to get creative


Well-Known Member
Same place you found the tent will also supply panda film.....a tent can get very hot r you building skills..........if it were me I would build my ideal room....but then again I love anything that LETS me use my tool......but you have the options GO FORTH AND MULTIPLY my frei d........Good luck and keep us informed......


I work for 3 years roofing im going to jr colledge right now for engineering phsycology and soon horticulture and i love building as much as much as growing i will soon post updates on my profile when i get a proper camera but ive seen rapid growth in this first week and already 3 pairs of leaves 2 "true" leaves not much from the colyledon in the last couple days


Well-Known Member
pvc pipe may be cheaper by the foot, i am unsure, but 2x4s are significantly stronger. Additionally, it is much harder to attach things to the pvc pipe. Fan setups often come with brackets that are made to be screwed into something (like a 2x4), no sort of hose clamp type thing for attaching to pvc.Hanging your lights off a 2x4 is also less stressful, what if you bump into/catch yourself on your lights while they are hanging from a pvc pipe and break the pipe?

Panda film is black and white mylar type plastic stuff, you should be able to find it at any grow shop. Sourcing it locally is best, as the shipping costs on panda film go up quickly.


Well-Known Member
Your welcome. How is your tent doing with light leaks, have you checked? When i have used tents I have had to deal with issues of light leaks around air intake flaps and venting holes.


Well-Known Member
Would 2x4 be better nd cheaper then pvc? Where can i get panda film? I found a great grow tent but sooner or later ill need more room nd id like to get creative
I used PVC for my temp. build-a-tent, and as long as you dont try to span long lengths without a cross support, its easier, and WAY cheaper, not to mention easier to move if needed.

You will have less weight capacity to hang things from it, but if ur hanging something that heavy, you arent building ur own pvc/panda tent, right? Get the wall zippers and when u apply it, cut the opening (after u unzip @ install) cut the opening off-center! Keep spare vent ducting so u can add bends n length to prevent light leaks....

In the end, I used the panda film to line my closet, and a 6" hole saw to vent the closet itself.... works great.


Well-Known Member
dont go cheapo on the PVC, get a thick schedule stuff, its still foolishly cheap compared to lumber, and doesnt absorb moisture n breed mold....


IM putting it in my closet and need it to control climate the weather here can feel like mild spring one day and 110 and super humid or dry the next