Curly leaves?


Active Member
What do curly leaves mean? I'm getting them on 1/5 approx of my clones. Even as the plants are growing larger they still have some curly leaves. Is it a deficiency? I'll try and post a pic later today.




Well-Known Member
I'm growing outdoors from seed, and my plants' leaves were curling under with high humidity. However, after a hot week week before last, and a temperate week last week (HIGH f'ing wind, too!), they got watered last night with "soft" nutes (a non-urea orchid food) and then it started raining. Been raining all morning for sure. They're not catching all the rainfall, but I expected leaf curl and there is none. Go figure.

Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Curling leaves on a inside grow could be heat, is your heat above 85 degrees? Mine curled hard at above 85 and then the nute burn and curl again when I had too hot of a medium, I had to repot everyone of them in a new medium of just fox farm Ocean soil mix. I tryed flushing them before repoting and no luck. But I am on track now that I gave them a fresh medium.