curling yellowing and very dry leafs (babies)


Active Member
ok so my plant are VERY dry and limp and turning yellow? and i dont really known whats wrong, i water it and it just stays dry and wilts... here are some pics please help me

ok plant number 1

and plant number 2

the second one is so dry that it cracks the leaf if i touch it...

maybe i need to make it more humid in there? if so how can i make humidity?


Active Member
this happened to mine and its because i didnt water enough. water the entire area it in like within that circle. water till quenched also maybe heat stress? im not sure but as i can see from the pics your soil isnt wet really on the stem area water everything and see how it goes. maybe a more experienced grower can help you out. good luck.


Active Member
this happened to mine and its because i didnt water enough. water the entire area it in like within that circle. water till quenched also maybe heat stress? im not sure but as i can see from the pics your soil isnt wet really on the stem area water everything and see how it goes. maybe a more experienced grower can help you out. good luck.

so after misting them they are still dry and limp??? wtf lol
can i please get some help???


Well-Known Member
fuck a mist... water them the roots need water...dont get me wrong i mist mine but there healthy...get some water in the dirt asap...


Active Member
fuck a mist... water them the roots need water...dont get me wrong i mist mine but there healthy...get some water in the dirt asap...

yeah i just watered them like crazy, i watered till it leaked out the bottom! ^_^

ill check and update in a day or so:weed:


Active Member
Well after really watering them they are still looking like shit and turning yellow and dry. i have no idea what to do at this point


Active Member
are they growing at all? or they not moving? They may have a deficiency if watering won't work. i really can't think of anything else to do.


Active Member
are they growing at all? or they not moving? They may have a deficiency if watering won't work. i really can't think of anything else to do.

well.. they are growing slowly but they are growing which is why i have not killed them but the next sets of leaves are starting to go yellow o_O but i will see how it goes,

i just bought some "all purpose" potting soil to plant my new aurora indica seed i got and maybe ill find out that it was the soil that was bad??

also i think i may have burnt them i had 2 40w cfl less that an inch away for about 2 days which is when i started to happen, but now they are about 3 or 4 inches away.


Active Member
thats heat stress move the light away some

i was just starting to think that, give me one min and ill go take a pic of them now to show how far they are.


ok here is the pic

the lights are now just about 3 inches away from the babies. should they be further away from them while they are young?


Well-Known Member
try mocin them up an inch or 2 also how warm is the room and do u have a fan circulating the air inside


Active Member
try mocin them up an inch or 2 also how warm is the room and do u have a fan circulating the air inside
i dont really know how warm the room is, i need to get a thermometer

and i have a fan going in and a fan going out, but the fan going in is not directly on the plant. and now the light are 5 inches above the top of the plants.

what height do you suggest i have 1 40w cfl over a seedling, not even out of the dirt yet?


Active Member
Im happy you may have found the problem. Lets see how the plants react to having the light farther away. If they return to normal then heat was your enemy good to know for future grows. hope everything turns out well ill be checking back every so often.


Well-Known Member
keep the light 2-3 inchs close to the one not yet out of soil wen pops move back 1 or 2 more


Active Member
keep the light 2-3 inchs close to the one not yet out of soil wen pops move back 1 or 2 more
ok thats what i have set up for the little guy right now. thanks.

so today i wake up and.............. the plants seem to be doing much better. leaves still look dead but the new leaves on top seem to be healthy, ill take a pic after i get home from work. hopefully in the 12 hours they will become even better.