Curling upper leaves


New Member
My Purple Haze's were exposed to several weeks of light cycle less than 14 hours after being put outdoors in mid April. The days have finally turned long enough and everyone seems to be switching back to veg! However the leaves (especially the upper leaves) are curling and turning and making a mess of themselves. My partner says it's just the sweet leaves switching back to veg but I'm just not sure.

Other than the curling the leaves mostly look normal. There are no other signs of nutrient disorders. Although I wonder is this might be molybdenum? Mo is one of the only nutes not specifically added into our soil mix. Oddly though only the purple hazes (and a few of the Schroms are exhibiting this deformity). Watering has been regular, pH is at 6.5 and temperature has been pretty perfect. The white hairs seen in the picture are just cottonwood fluff, it's everywhere.

Any tips would be greatly appreciated!20140515_110446.jpg