Curling sugar leaves/deformed buds


Well-Known Member
Seem to have a problem with the lower buds looking a slight deformed and some of the sugar leaves curling up... Did have a caterpillar problem which seems to have been sorted. Could this be the after affect due to stress?? Top buds all perfect as you can see but the lower branches seem so different Accept the top cobs!



Well-Known Member
She looks great. What’s the problem?
Cheers mate might just be worrying over nothing I'm off to spray her with water today I feel like the catterpilas have left some shit on the lower buds that need cleaning off from what I read any bacitera like catty shit can cause harm to the buds and I swear my lower one's look fucked.. Its only on 2 branches at the bottom I've taken a better pic today lights on which sucks but as you can see I swear the sugar leaves look strange



Well-Known Member
Just make sure you don’t spray with the lights still on, that could burn the leaves and also the water could cause bud rot, so be careful.


Well-Known Member
How far down are them and I agree with it's a very nice plant as always thank you for your time
Absolutely gutted I added an extra 200w hps and over night I think the humidity went insane as woke up today and 1 lower branch had mould could not fucking beleive it don't understand how 1 200w hps could cause it to rise that bad over night but as you can see by one of the pics the mould I found



Well-Known Member
I feel your pain cut that stuff out and watch the rest of the plant how much longer do you have to go before you cut
Yeah mate it's down Ive cut it out had to take 2 of the shit buds of with it but the top cob on that branch looks fine every morning and night I spend a good hour looking over every bud site and branch its driving me mad think it will be the last time I do an outdoor and bring indoor for flowering tbh probably be my last outdoor think ill concentrate on the indoor side of things after Christmas


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain cut that stuff out and watch the rest of the plant how much longer do you have to go before you cut
And mate I'm fucked tbh I live in the UK and every 3 years we have these gas inspections I have untill the 30th when there due so I need to harvest the day before or buy an invisible cloak for her as she doesn't fit through any door but in my eyes and knowledge I don't think she's going to be ready by the 29th probably he week after I would of harvested but will see what happens


Well-Known Member
Man I hope that you make and glad to hear that it was only 2 right hopefully it doesn't hurt to bad as always thank you for your time and the best of luck