Curling please help!


Active Member

its a tiny bit worse today. this was taken yesterday. the edges of some of the biggest leaves are rolling up theres no spotting and the leaves are still soft and green. i think i may have added too much plant food because im a newbie. will this fix its self if i just continue with regular watering or should i flush?:?:


Well-Known Member

its a tiny bit worse today. this was taken yesterday. the edges of some of the biggest leaves are rolling up theres no spotting and the leaves are still soft and green. i think i may have added too much plant food because im a newbie. will this fix its self if i just continue with regular watering or should i flush?:?:
when in doubt=flush them out! it doesnt hurt to give your plant a good flush. if you feel something is wrong with your plants flush em out till water runs clear and replace with proper nutrient level and they sould be fine.


New Member
WHat kind of lighting are you using? Obviously CFL (6500k) but I could be wrong. Usually curling up means they are in need of something like light.


Active Member
yeah i gave them a light flush and by light i mean i didnt completly flood the soil i just watered till it rean out the bottom and then reapeated this about 3 times. i also just checked my lighting timer and realized it was not what i thought. lol ummm i only had it set to 23on 1 off. now its 18 on and 4 0ff is that better or should i change that to something else. also. since flushing, should i do anything to try and dry the soil out? i mean i have a fan and it stays right around 78 degress in the room. should i turn the humidifier down or off till the soil drys out a little?