Curling Leaves...HELP

how old is it? and if anyhting its prob burnt from the soil...dont even worry about it, just feed reg water with the right ph and it will be fine


Active Member
it has a florescent day light 175w and 2 cool white florescent in the side....the soil is a mix of miracle grow starting mix and compost.
I really need helpp...

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
I wanted to at least say something.

This plant is curling up because it's dying. You used too Miracle Grow and Composted fertilizers. Obviously something is very, very wrong. Go back to basics and do more research. There is too much to cover here for me to begin to help.

Bottom line. Start over.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
your ph is out in the medium. next will be burns. check the run off for ec and ph.
dont use any foods with mg. its already heavy with it.

Mazar i Shariff

Active Member
Kinda looks like defeciency ... Did you start it in a compost or something that lacks nutes? Are you feeding much?

If you've done any strong feeds, then yes, burns and flushing is necessary. But I don't have enough info to determine this for sure. Pending on the soil/nutrients used thus far, it could be lacking Nitrogen and whatnot.

More info/pics will help diagnose this

Mazar :fire: