Curling, Dried, Twisted Leaves

Hey guys,

just switched to 12/12 light schedule and at first, everything seemed to be going well. However, a few of my plants started drooping and the leaves have started yellowing a bit. The newer leaves are ‘taco-shelling’ and getting all twisted and dry at the tips. PH is good, and I’m giving all my girls the same nutes, but only a select few are giving me trouble. These are hydroponically grown plants in a clay pebble medium with a drip ring, and I’m using General Hydroponics’ Flora series.
A few other things to note- our humidifier broke so they went a whole day without any humidity. Also, some of the drip lines will just stop pumping randomly throughout the day, and if they’re not tended to, won’t pump at all until I manually fix it myself. Could lack of water from the drip ring be the issue? Let me know what you guys think. Pictures are attached.



Active Member
Get a scope and look for russet mites possibly. Do you give a good flush between nutes ? How strong are you throwing nutes at it? I give quarter doses with cal mag after a flush and they spring back to life pretty fast. Flush that thing hard and let it soak up regular water for 3 or 4 days and then hit it with a small dose of nutes and tell me what you think. I've had this issue be caused by light, overwatering, underwatering, and russet mites.